Working Papers
Brause, S. and D. Bernstein (2019) "Constructing Edges from the Locations of Offensive and Defensive Players", Computer Science Department, James Madison University.
These videos show a single possession of a soccer match. The offensive team is shown in purple and the defensive team is shown in gold. Each defender has a circular coverage area with a radius of 1m. The offensive team is attacking the goal on the right side of the field.
The first video shows the open passing lanes for the ball handler only. Each open passing lane is represented by a thick purple line segment. The resulting structure is a tree with the ball handler as the root vertex. One interesting aspect of this video is that the, in general, the defense does not cover many of the ten possible passing lanes at any point in time.
The second video shows the open passing lanes for every offensive player. Each open passing lane is represented by a purple line segment. Passing lanes that are covered by a defender are represented by a thin, light purple line segment. The thick line segments and their corresponding vertices form a graph. As you watch this video, notice how passing lanes change from uncovered to covered when the intersection with the defenders' coverage areas goes from empty to non-empty.