Going Further on Programming Assignment 9

This question/problem/task allows you to go further on Programming Assignment 9. It is neither required nor for extra credit. It will, however, help you gain a deeper understanding of the material.
1 Handling Miltiple Cities: Modify your code so that it can handle multiple cities. From a user interface perspective, you will need to make the folowing modifications.

First, during the setup phase, you will need to prompt the user to enter the list of cities.

Then, during the iteration phase, you will need to prompt the user to enter the "City:" before prompting her/him to enter the "Data:".

From an engineering design perspective, you will need to be able to manage a Categorizer[] for each city. The two obvious ways to solve this problem are to use either an ArrayList<Categorizer[]> or a HashMap<String, Categorizer[]>. You should think about which would be most appropriate and then modify your QuAQI class accordingly.

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