Software Requirements Specification: DetailedTripSetter

The DetailedTripSetter main class is given a current speed measured in mi/hr, a trip distance measured in ft, and a trip duration measured in hr and displays the equivalent current speed in km/hr, the trip speed in both km/hr and mi/hr, and the trip distance in both mi,ft and km.
Existing Components

The Text class contains functions that can be used to convert from a String to a number.

The Dashboard class contains functions that can be used to display the current speed, trip speeds, and trip distances.
Requirements of New Components

The system must satisfy the following physical requirements: Definition

PR-1 The main class must be named DetailedTripSetter

The system must satisfy the following operational requirements: Definition

OR-1 DetailedTripSetter must satisfy all of the requirements of the TripSetter .

OR-2 The main class must pass the setTripDistance() function in the Dashboard class the number of kilometers in the trip (a double), the number of whole miles in the trip (an int), and the number of remaining feet in the trip (an int), in that order.

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