Programming Assignment 1

1 Overview: In repsonse to many years of budget cuts, President Alger is trying to raise money in a variety of different ways. To that end, he has asked you to create a prototype of a product called DukeDash.

The market for DukeDash is U.S. citizens who have moved to a country that uses the international system of units (i.e., SI units) and have brought their car/motorcycle with them. The difficulty that such people have is that the car measures and reports the speed in miles per hour (mi/hr) but the speed limit signs on the side of the road are in kilometers per hour (km/hr). DukeDash is an electronic dashbboard that replaces the built-in dashboard. It is given the current speed in mi/hr, converts it to km/hr, and displays the speed in km/hr.

2 Parts: This assignment is divided into several parts, each of which will be graded individually. You must complete all parts of this assignment in order. The later parts are based on the earlier parts and you may (indeed, should) use your answers to the earlier parts to complete the later parts.

a. A textual version of an algorithm for converting a speed in mi/hr to a speed in km/hr. Click here to go to Blackboard.

b. A textual version of an algorithm for converting a command-line string to a real-valued speed in mi/hr, converting the speed in mi/hr to the equivalent speed in km/hr, and "printing" the speed in km/hr. Click here to go to Blackboard.

c. A Java application for converting a command-line string to a real-valued speed in mi/hr, converting the speed in mi/hr to the equivalent speed in km/hr, and "printing" the speed in km/hr. Click here for the requirements.

d. A Java application for converting a command-line string to a real-valued speed in mi/hr, converting the speed in mi/hr to the equivalent speed in km/hr, and displaying the speed in km/hr on a dashboard. Click here for the assignment/instructions.

3 Getting Started: Before doing anything else, you should create a directory/folder (e.g., named pa1) that will hold all of the files for this assignment.
4 Submission: For this part of this assignment, you will not use the Web-CAT submission process that is normally used to submit source code. Instead, you will use Blackboard.

First, you should make sure that your implementation conforms to the course style guide.

Second, you should test your Java implementation using the following test cases (for the speed in mi/hr):

  1. 0
  2. 7
  3. 10
  4. 14.8
  5. 55.0
  6. 75
  7. 100

You must calculate the correct answers by hand and verify that your implementation generates the correct answers. Your answers must be correct to two decimal places.

Third, you should think about why each of the test cases above is interesting/significant/important.

Fourth, if and only if your Java implementation works correctly for each of the above test cases, you should load the Blackboard page for PA1c and:

  1. Answer Question 1 about why each of the test cases above is interesting/significant/important.
  2. Upload your implementation of as the answer to Question 2.
  3. Attest to your submission in Question 3.
Going Further

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