Software Requirements Specification: SpeedPrinter

The SpeedPrinter application is given a speed measured in mi/hr and "prints" the equivalent speed in km/hr.
Existing Components

The Text class contains "functions" that can be used to convert from a String to a number.

You must download the Text.class file to your working directory for this assignment. (In most browsers, you can do this by right-clicking on the link above.)

This class has the following two functions:

toNonnegativeDouble() is passed a String representation of a non-negative number that may or may not contain a decimal point, and returns a double value (or -1.0 if the String could not be converted).

toNonnegativeInt() is passed a String representation of a non-negative number that must not contain contain a decimal point, and returns an int value (or -1 if the String could not be converted).

The System class (that is part of the standard Java distribution) gives programmers the ability to "print" information in the console window.

For example, if you have a double variable named kph, the statement:


will "print" the value of the variable kph followed by a new-line character.

Requirements of New Components

The system must satisfy the following physical requirements: Definition

PR-1 The application must be named SpeedPrinter

PR-2 The application must have a double-valued constant named MILES_PER_KILOMETER that is assigned the value 0.621371.

The system must satisfy the following operational requirements: Definition

OR-1 Command-line argument 0 must contain a String representation of the speed to be converted in mi/hr.

OR-2 The application must "print" [using System.out.println()] the equivalent speed in km/hr.

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