CS-627 - Cryptology

Index to Information
about the Course

Spring 2007 Semester

© 2007 Charles Abzug


Announcements and Record of Updates:

·         27 Mar 2007, 0630 hrs:  The assignments document has now been updated.  Part IVb of the assignment will be due next week.

·         23 Mar 2007, 1630 hrs:  Reading Assignments:

27-29 March:  Stallings Chapters 5& 6

03-05 April:  Stallings Chapters 7 & 8

10-12 April:  Stallings Chapters 9 & 10

17-19 April:  Stallings Chapters 11, 12, & 13

24-26 April:  Stallings Chapters 14 & 15

01-03 May:  To be announced

·         09 Feb 2006. 0230 hrs:  The slide set describing the programming projects has been updated to include the name specification for the program file(s) for PART II.

·         06 Feb 2007, 1750 hrs:  Summary of reading assignments for the first part of the semester:

Week 1 (due 11 Jan):  Simon Singh’s “The Code Book”, pages ix through 142.
Week 2 (due 18 Jan):  Simon Singh’s “The Code Book”, pages 143-316.
Week 3 (due 25 Jan):  Ferguson and Schneier’s “Practical Cryptography”, pages xix-66.
Week 4 (due 01 Feb):  Ferguson and Schneier’s “Practical Cryptography”, pages 67-110.
Week 5 (due 13 Feb):  Ferguson and Schneier’s “Practical Cryptography”, pages 111-184.
Week 6 (due 15 Feb):  Ferguson and Schneier’s “Practical Cryptography”, pages 185-260.
Weed 7 (due 22 Feb):  Ferguson and Schneier’s “Practical Cryptography”, pages 261-362.

·         05 Feb 2007, 1430 hrs:  Posted updated file on programming project assignments (link appears below).  NOTE:  Please ignore the changes that have been made to Part I of the programming project assignments.

·         31 Jan 2007, 0610 hrs:  Please note that the location for depositing your files is on “stu1”, in the directory:  “/cs/shr/CS-627/yourJMUusername”.  Please be sure that your files are all named precisely in accordance with the naming convention specified in the posted slide set.  Please name your executable file:  “crypto-first-project-yourFirstName”, in all lower case and with hyphens, NOT underscores, as word separators.

·         26 Jan 2007, 1200 hrs:  Reading assignment for next week:  Ferguson and Schneier’s Practical Cryptography:  pages 67 through 110.

·         19 Jan 2007, 1400 hrs:  Reading assignment for next week:  Ferguson and Schneier’s Practical Cryptography:  pages xix through 66.

Also, I have revised the assignments file that I discussed yesterday with you in class, and it is now posted (please see link below).  Please note that I have made several substantive changes to the program specifications.


·         12 Jan 2007:  Course syllabus has been posted.  Please see link below.

Course-Related Documents:

Course Syllabus (Adobe “Acrobat” file)

Assignments (Adobe “Acrobat” file)




Instructor Information:

Prof. Abzug's Home Page on the World Wide Web;  Prof. Abzug's E-mail: mailto:AbzugCX@jmu.edu