350 -
Index to Information
about the Course
2001 Semester, Section 0003
© 2001 Charles Abzug
Announcements and Record of Updates:
- 15 May 2001: Grades
are now posted in a spreadsheet file, together with an explanation of the process of
determining course grades. Y’all
have a good summer.
- 07 May 2001: GRADES: I did not have the final course grades ready by the registrar’s
submission deadline this afternoon, and therefore I have temporarily
assigned to everyone a grade of I (Incomplete). Real grades should be ready within the next few days, at
which time I will both post them to this web page and send in a corrected
copy to the registrar.
- 30 Par 2001: Student
Term Projects posted.
- 23 Apr 2001: Please note that this week’s student
presentations are part of the course, and therefore that material
from the presentations can appear on the final examination. Please ALSO note that I intend to post
all of the term projects (text and slides) on the course web page at the
end of the semester. If your group
is shy and does not want its project to be posted, please let me know before
I post them.
- 21 Mar 2001: Summary of Shift Instructions
posted. Also posted general
guidance for Term Projects applicable to
all of my courses, specific guidance for the CS-350
Term Project, Topics for Term
Papers, Programming
Option 1 and Programming
Option 2 for Term Projects.
- 14 Mar 2001: Mid-Terms have been graded, and the
graded examinations are stashed in the box outside my office door. Please pick up your exam at your
convenience. I have taken a look
at the grade distribution, and have assigned, for rough guidance
purposes only, tentative letter grades so that you can get some
idea of where your numeric grade positions you, taking into consideration only
your performance on the mid-term.
The file showing the mid-term grade distribution together with the
letter-grade guidance is available for your inspection: Mid-Term-Grades
- 12 Mar 2001: Posted a tutorial which should be very
helpful with regard to the programming assignment (“Tutorial on Status
Flags, …”)
- 27 Feb 2001: Answers to Quiz #3, as well as the
graded quizzes #s 3 and 4, have been placed in the box outside my
office. Please pick up your graded
quizzes and a copy of the answer sheet for Quiz #3, at your
convenience. Note that there is
one student who failed to write his/her identification number at the top
of Quiz #3, another student who did the same for Quiz #4, and another two
students whose identification numbers do not correspond to anything in my
records. If you do NOT find your
graded quiz in the box outside my door, then you need to speak to me so
that I can determine which of the unidentified quizzes is yours.
- 15 Feb 2001: Corrected the page numbers and other
details of the “PC Organization Assignments” to reflect the realities of
the Enhanced Third Edition.
- 14 Feb 2001: Several students have contacted me
regarding the CD-ROM that comes with the Beboputer text. Apparently, some used textbooks sold by
one or another bookstore are missing the CD-ROM. I am afraid that you WILL need to have the CD-ROM. For the next several weeks, the
assignments are group assignments, so you might be able to get by without
your very own CD-ROM, but later on there is at least one assignment that
requires everyone to work separately.
The GOOD news is that if you are missing a CD-ROM, you can order
one directly from the publisher, Doone Publications in Alabama. You can get in touch with them by
calling 800-311-3753. When I
called, I spoke to a very lovely and helpful lady named Anne Smith, who
also has a delightful British accent.
They will be pleased to supply a CD-ROM at a cost to you of $9.95
(includes shipping). I suggest
that all the folks who need the CD-ROM get together, and that one person
collect the money from everyone and place the order. I will speak about this in class
tomorrow (please remind me if I do not address this issue at the beginning
of class).
- 08 Feb 2001, 1430 hrs: Posted a document detailing some
calculations of size of File Allocation Table (FAT), of Root Directory,
and of the total space usable for recording file contents of a Flexible
(“Floppy”) Disk. Also, updated the
document showing the group compositions to include “PC Organization
Assignment #4”.
- 01 Feb 2001, 2119 hrs:
Did minor revision to "PC Organization Assignments" to correct
errors in assigned page numbers. 2242 hrs: Posted a document
showing the composition of the groups for the PC-Organization assignments.
- 25 Jan 2001, 1435 hrs:
Posted a tutorial covering the representation of numbers in a digital
computer, and digital integer arithmetic. You can find the link below.
- 23 Jan 2001: Today's
quiz has been graded and placed in the box outside my office door. Please
pick up your quiz. Please note that as of this afternoon my box still
contains quite a few Quiz 1's. Starting with Quiz #3, I shall follow the
practice of discarding all old quizzes whenever I put out a newly-graded
quiz, so if you don't pick up your quiz soon after it is graded, you'll be
out of luck.
- 17 Jan 2001: (1)
Students can pick up their graded Quiz # 1 from the box outside my office
door. If you don't find your quiz in the box, please see me. I have three
quizzes whose ID numbers do not correspond to the JMU ID of any students
registered for the course. A sheet showing the correct answers will be
distributed in class.
(2) Someone asked on day 1 of class whether CS-350 is a 3-credit or a
4-credit course. The course is three credits, not
four. There was an error in the registrar's listing, and I have requested
that this be corrected.
- 11 Jan 2001, 1245 hrs:
Made several changes to the document containing the set of "PC
Organization" assignments. Assignments 2, 3, and 4 affected.
- 10 Jan 2001: Corrected
course syllabus posted, as promised yesterday in class. Course Map also
posted, along with detailed assignments covering the first eleven weeks of
the semester.
Course-Related Documents:
Syllabus (Microsoft “Word” file)
Course Map
(Microsoft “Word” file)
Textbooks and Required Materials
(Microsoft “Word” file)
(Microsoft “Word” file)
Tutorial on Status Flags, and on the
Emulation of Different Arithmetic Representations using Two’s-Complement
Hardware – revised 08 Dec 1999 (Microsoft “Word” file)
on the Representation of Numbers in Digital Computers, and on Digital Integer
Arithmetic - 07 Sep 1999; revised 13 Sep 1999 (Microsoft “Word” file)
Disk Organization (Microsoft “Word” file)
Review Questions: Binary Integer
Arithmetic (Microsoft "Word" file)
Review Questions: Computer Basics (Microsoft
"Word" file)
Review Questions: Computer Power Supplies
(Microsoft "Word" file)
Review Questions: Digital Computer
Internals (Microsoft "Word" file)
Review Questions: Digital Number
Representation (Microsoft "Word" file)
Review Questions: Linux Issues (Microsoft
"Word" file)
Review Questions: Machine Code and
Assembly Language (Microsoft "Word" file)
Review Questions: Principles
of Design and Construction of Digital Computers (Microsoft "Word"
Review Questions: WIntel Computer
Hardware (Microsoft "Word" file)
Instructor Information:
Abzug's Home Page on the World Wide Web; Dr. Abzug's E-mail: AbzugCX@jmu.edu