CS 139 - Index to Information about the Course

Fall 2001 Semester, Sections 3 & 4

© 2001 Charles Abzug


Announcements and Record of Updates:

·         07 Dec 2001:  Posted a Study Guide for the final exam.

·         15 Nov 2001:  All scores on each of the mid-term exams have been posted anonymously, in descending order in both cases.  Arithmetic mean score for each exam has also been calculated.

·         01 Nov 2001:  Instructions posted for Lab-14.  This lab is due by end of class on Tuesday, 06 Nov 2001.

·         29 Oct 2001:  My deepest apologies for fouling up the last Thursday’s promised Review Session.  Because the review was not held, I am postponing the mid-term to this coming Wednesday, and have scheduled a new Review Session for Monday evening (tonight), 29 Oct 2001, at 1900 hrs in Room 236.  Attendance (for students) is voluntary, but I hope the entire class will come.

·         23 Oct 2001:  Posted links to various resources on Java (links situated just below the link to the Assignments file).

·         18 Oct 2001:  Slides pertaining to Lab-10 and Lab-11 have been posted.

·         15 Oct 2001:  Posted interim version of slides covering Savitchs Chapters 1 and 2.

·         20 Sep 2001:  Assignments file has been updated.

·         20 Sep 2001:  Posted Dr. Lagmans slides from yesterday’s class.

·         10 Sep 2001:  (NOTE:  This particular announcement applies to Dr. Abzug’s two sections only – sections 3 and 4.)  The course documentation clearly states that all homework must be submitted both in hardcopy and in softcopy.  The hardcopy must be machine-generated, not hand-written.  Furthermore, an honor-code declaration is required both on the hard- and on the soft-copy.  Please refer to the sub-document of the course syllabus labeled “Course Practices”.  Since last week the first assignment was due, I was lenient and did not enforce these requirements.  Starting this week, however, any homework either submitted in handwritten form or lacking the required Honor Code declaration will be rejected and will consequently receive a grade of zero.  All students are requested to please comply with the homework submission requirements, so that I will not be forced to deny you credit for work accomplished.

·         10 Sep 2001:  (NOTE:  This particular announcement also applies to Dr. Abzug’s two sections only – sections 3 and 4.)  Just to remind you, I announced in Tuesday’s laboratory sessions that assignment softcopy is to be submitted via E-mail addressed to me, and bearing the subject heading: “CS-139-s-Assignment-n”, where s stands for the section number (i.e., either section 3 or section 4), and n stands for the assignment number.  The assignment itself may be either incorporated into the body of the mail message or included in a single attached file;  your choice.

·         05 Sep 2001:  Revised “assignments” document posted, including the specification for the deliverable due next week for Assignment 2.

·         03 Sep 2001:  Links for practice with arithmetic operators and with logical operators, and for errata provided for both textbooks(all courtesy of Dr. Bernstein), posted below.

·         28 Aug 2001:  Computer Science labs will be open for the current week only up until only 2000 hrs (8:00 p.m.) through this coming Thursday, 30 August.  Regular lab hours, that is, until 2300 hrs Sunday through Thursday, will not begin until Monday of next week.

·         22 Aug 2001:  Draft course syllabus, draft course map, and partial list of assignments posted.



Course-Related Documents:

Course Syllabus


Course Map




Java Compilers and Assorted Utility Programs

Java Materials of Various Kinds available from Sun MicroSystems, Inc


Practice with Arithmetic Operators

Practice with Logical Operators


Errata for Shackelford

Errata for Savitch





Instructor Information:

Prof. Fengs Home Page on the World Wide Web;  Prof. Feng’s E-mail : FengMX@jmu.edu

Prof. Lagmans Home Page on the World Wide Web;  Prof. Lagman’s E-mail:  LagmanAG@jmu.edu

Dr. Abzug's Home Page on the World Wide Web;  Dr. Abzug's E-mail:  AbzugCX@jmu.edu