Professor, Computer Science Director, Graduate
Information Security Program |
Ph.D. Computer
Science, University of Texas at Dallas, 1993 M.S. Computer
Science, Jackson State University, 1979 B.S. Applied
Mathematics with a minor in Management, Karaj School of Mathematics &
Economic Management, 1976 Professional Experience
Academia: Professor: Department of Computer Science,
James Madison University (JMU), Harrisonburg, VA (tenure and promotion 2001),
1997-Present. Director: Master of Science in Computer Science
with a Concentration in Information Security, Department of Computer Science,
JMU, 2000-Present. This program is nationally known
and respected and is 100% Internet-based. Responsibilities include teaching,
curriculum development, course scheduling, budgetary issues, staffing, and
student recruiting. Associate Professor: Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, WI (promotion 1996),
1993-1997. Assistant Professor: Department of Computer Science,
Jackson State University, Jackson, MS. This is a Historically Black
University, 1984-1986. Instructor: Department of Computer Science
and Mathematics, Mississippi Valley State University, Itta-Benna,
MS. This is a Historically Black University, 1979-1980. Non-academia: Visiting Staff Scientist: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories,
Berkeley, CA, Summers 1985 & 1986. Industrial Experience: Scientific Machines Corporation,
Dallas, TX, 1980-1984. Research Assistant: Department of Computer Science,
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, 1988 –1993. Professional
Publication Chair, Proceedings of New Security Paradigm Workshop, 2007-2009. Proceedings Editor: New Security Paradigm Workshop, 2007-2009. Referee:
Refereed papers for several journals and proceedings. Funded Grants: Principal
Investigator (PI) for over $1 million NSF, DoD, and other agencies’
grants. Also Co-PI for over $2.3 Million Scholarship for Service
grant, funded by NSF. Please see the detailed list at the end of the vita. Co-advisor, Cyber Defense Club since 2005- Present. Bootcamp Organizer (outreach): M. Hossain Heydari, Brett Tjaden, and
Steve Wang, developed several lectures and hands-on exercises for 5 different
week-long Cyber Defense Bootcamp for High School Technology
Teachers, supported by NSF and NSA and Virginia CIT, summers 2013, 15, and
16. Cyber Defense Competition Organizer: Brett Tjaden and M. Hossain Heydari, organized a Cyber Defense Competition for High School Students. |