Tutorial Directory
Orientation and Basics
- Computer Components
- Introduction to the lab environment
Java Basics
- Basic Program Framework/Comments
- Containers and data types
- Why are Strings special?
- Basic Output
- Scanner (input) - includes creating a new object
- Operations
- It's a matter of style
- Formatting objects
- Testing your code
Functions and Methods
- Introduction to methods
- Passing parameters
- Passing objects as parameters
- Debugging functions
- Introduction to decisions
- Practice with relational operations
- Practice with logical operations
- The switch statement
- Debugging decisions
- Introduction to loops
- The for loop
- The for - each loop
- Demonstrations of common loop problems
- Debugging loop code
Object Oriented Programming
- So what is a class anyway?
- Private/public visibility modifiers - data in an object
- Accessor and Mutator methods
- Constructors
- Introduction to arrays
- Demonstration of common array tasks
- Sequential search algorithm
- printf
- The "submit" system
- Reading java error messages