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CodingBat, practice site

Tutorial directory

Lab directory

Tutorial Directory

Orientation and Basics

  1. Computer Components
  2. Introduction to the lab environment

Java Basics

  1. Basic Program Framework/Comments
  2. Containers and data types
  3. Why are Strings special?
  4. Basic Output
  5. Scanner (input) - includes creating a new object
  6. Operations
  7. It's a matter of style
  8. Formatting objects
  9. Testing your code

Functions and Methods

  1. Introduction to methods
  2. Passing parameters
  3. Passing objects as parameters
  4. Debugging functions


  1. Introduction to decisions
  2. Practice with relational operations
  3. Practice with logical operations
  4. The switch statement
  5. Debugging decisions


  1. Introduction to loops
  2. The for loop
  3. The for - each loop
  4. Demonstrations of common loop problems
  5. Debugging loop code

Object Oriented Programming

  1. So what is a class anyway?
  2. Private/public visibility modifiers - data in an object
  3. Accessor and Mutator methods
  4. Constructors


  1. Introduction to arrays
  2. Demonstration of common array tasks
  3. Sequential search algorithm


  1. printf
  2. The "submit" system
  3. Reading java error messages