Instructor Policies - Prof.
Nancy Harris
- Attend class.
you must miss class, use the web and our schedule to pick up any missed
material. You may not turn in any assignments that you missed
doing for credit, but I encourage you to do all of the class
activities. See a colleague and the schedule for missed
Don't apologize for missing class and don't ask if you missed
"anything important".
- Extended absences:
If you will be out of class for an
extended time due to illness or family emergency (several days or
more), DO
let me know. You may need to document such a situation, but I will try
to help you catch up the work. However, realize that this class moves
quickly and covers a lot of material. Long absences may prevent you
from successfully completing this course during the semester.
Class Format:
- Lecture days - The T/Th
class sessions will have three purposes:
- To apply what you have read about in the reading assignment for
the day
- To present new material or clarify fuzzy concepts
- To work on the parts of the project requiring group interaction.
- Outside
of class work - This includes completion,
homework assignments, individual reading, and meetings with your group
to work on project assignments. There is a lot of reading so plan
now to work time into your schedule for that. Our schedule
includes the anticipated chapter ordering. There will also be some labs which will require work outside of class.
Assignments and class notes
- Assignments:
All assignments should be completed on time.
- Due Dates: All work
is due AT THE BEGINNING of class unless otherwise specified.
- Turning in work:
For submission of hardcopy (paper)
assignments, I will have manila folders with the assignment written on
the tab available in class. You must place the documents into that
folder. Please DO NOT
place work in my physical
mailbox, the pocket outside of my door, or hand it to me during class.
Electronic assignments will have specific post information supplied. DO
staple multiple page documents together.
- Late assignments: I
not accept late homework or in class assignments. The project
milestones will have specific late policies and point penalties.
- Class notes:
days will consist of both lecture and group activities. I
post an outline of the day on our schedule prior to class.
Any slides or handouts will also be posted on blackboard or
linked to our schedule.
- Gradebook: I
will be
using Blackboard's On-line Grade
Book facility, so you will be able to see what work has been submitted
and graded and where you stand at any point in time. NOTE: An "!"
symbol for a grade indicates that you have submitted the assignment
electronically, but it is not
yet graded.
- Office hours:
My office hours are designed to give you some
time when you can get individual assistance with your work. If you find
that you cannot make office hours, let me know and we can set up an
appointment at a different time. I am also happy to work with you on a
drop-in basis. Typically, if my door is open, I am available to work
with you. Do not apologize for "bothering me" in my office. That is
what I am here for and it is not a bother. I am often available on IM
(harrisnl55) especially if you are having problems with assignments. I will also have Skype available during office hours (csharrisnl).
- Other contact:
Feel free to use e-mail or IM to contact me.
If it is not appropriate for what you are asking, I will tell you. Make
sure that you receive confirmation of any request that you make via
e-mail...if I have not responded, I may not have gotten your request
(sometimes spam filters filter out legitimate e-mail and I might not
see it right away).
Also, requests for assignment extensions should be from your JMU e-mail
account. I will not respond to any e-mail except your official password
protected e-mail.
Exams and grades
- Exams:
If you have an emergency and cannot take a scheduled
exam, let me know as soon as possible and we will schedule the make-up.
You must be prepared to document all such absences.
- Exam lateness:
If you arrive for an exam late, you will be
permitted to take the exam if no one has left the examination room. You
will need to finish your work no later than the announced end time for
the exam; in other words, unless prior arrangements have been made, you
will need to finish the exam with the rest of the class.
- Grading appeals:
You may find that my grading of an exam
question or assignment does not agree with how you think it should be
graded. If the problem is a simple calculation error, bring that to my
attention on the day the work is returned and I will make the change.
If the discrepancy is with how I interpreted your answer or method of
solving the problem, prepare a brief (one paragraph or less) argument
for why I should award more points and submit it to me with your
original work and my comments. This should be submitted no later than
the next class period following return of the work.
- Grades:
Grades are based on your performance and not
necessarily your effort. If you try really, really hard, you may still
not achieve a good grade. See me if you are struggling.
- Classroom etiquette: Most
students know the classroom
ground rules. Please respect your colleagues and do nothing
that is disruptive. This includes ringing cell phones, texting
during class, using your mp3 player during class, and other non course
related activities.
- Laptops: I encourage students to bring their laptops to class. They can provide supplemental information during in class activities, can provide a means of practicing during activities or let you take notes throughout the class. Please refrain from using them to visit YouTube (unless part of a lab), Facebook, your favorite game sites, etc as this can be disruptive to students around you.
- Classroom conduct:
I like
to run an interactive class. Please feel free to ask
and request clarification at any time.
- Extra Credit:
I do not provide extra credit assignments so
please do not ask for them. There will be some flexibility in
assignments, so if you cannot do an assignment, the penalty for one
missed assignment is neglible. I generally drop 10% of homework,
lab assignments, and in-class activity grades collectively.
I take very seriously the JMU Honor Code. Any
violation of the Honor Code will be dealt with within that policy.
I do report all violations
to the Honor Council either through the informal resolution mechanism
or the formal procedure. JMU
Honor Council.
All written work must cite
any sources used.
And be
aware, when I discover a case of suspected cheating, I will always give
the students involved a chance to explain what happened or how the work
was duplicated. I never send a case to the honor council
first talking with and investigating the circumstances. In
cases, the students I have suspected of collusion turn out not to have
done anything wrong. Note: For programming assignments, we use a tool called MOSS (Measure of Software Similarity) which is very good at finding duplicate code.
- Withdrawal: If
you decide to withdraw from this class be
sure to do so by the mid-semester withdrawal deadline as determined by the registar's office. At
that point,
you will have enough grades to determine whether or not you can
successfully complete the course. Be sure to see me if you have any
question before that date. I do not give WP or WF grades to students
who simply fail to attend class or who ask to drop after the deadline.
See me to work out how you can successfully complete the class.
- Students with Disabilities:
If you are a student with an
Access Plan, be sure to share that with me during office hours at the
beginning of the class. I want to work with you to determine how I can
help your learning and then implement that plan. If you are not
documented with a disability, but feel that there is something that I
can do to help you in my classroom, please don't hesitate to come see
me so that we can discuss your options. If you do not have a formal
access plan, but there is something that I can do to help you to learn
in this class that is also fair to the other students, please let me
- Excused absences: Students
who must miss class for a religious observance or a JMU sponsored activity and who let me know in advance
of the absence will be permitted to make up the missed work. Be sure to
see me at least 1 week prior to the planned absence.
- Illness: If you are sick especially with a
fever...STAY HOME, please. Most everything for class is posted online and
I will help you via e-mail if necessary during your illness. You
will not necessarily be able to turn in late work, but that is part of
what the dropped grades are all about. In some situations, I may
give you special permission to turn in work electronically.
updated - 01/02/2013