Style Guide for CS 159 - Spring 2014
This Style Guide should be used as a reference for all work turned in
for credit, both labs and programming assignments. It is
based on standard java coding guidelines. See
for a complete java guide.
- All
names should be descriptive and readable. subTotal
than s,
rather than grd.
Multiple word names
should use
either a Capital letter to separate words.
- Variable and method names
should begin with a small letter.
- Variable names should be
noun phrases (studentName
or subTotal)
- Method names should be
verbs or verb phrases (printLine
or addColumn)
- Class names should begin
with a capital letter and use
title case. HelloWorld.
- Constant names should be all
caps with an underscore
separator. PI,
- Where and when to declare variables
- Constants should be declared and initialized at the top of the method or class
- There must be line of white space between any constant declarations and variable declarations
- All variables should be declared directly after the constants.
- There must be a line of white space directly after the variable declarations.
- If you initialize a variable within a declaration statement, you must put it on its own line.
- Declaration of a series of variables of the same type is permissible.
- Provides
a visual structure for your program.
- Sub sections of code must
indented a consistent 3 spaces for readability.
- Blocks of code surrounded by
curly braces should have the
curly braces line up vertically and the open brace should line up
directly beneath the first letter of the header for that block.
- Statements which are too
long for the line should be
indented 3 spaces for the 2nd and subsequent lines. Lines may be no longer than 80 chars long.
Literals and Constants
- Numeric literals must be of the correct type for the context in which they are used.
- Constants should be used in place of meaningful literals.
- Binary operators should be
separated from their operands by a
single space on either side.
- An exception is the dot (.)
operator which does not have space surrounding it. Ex: System.out.println();
- Unary operators should
not have
a space.
- One
line of white space should follow the declaration of constants and of variables.
- Use
white space to separate segments of code.
- Lines
should be kept to a short length (<= 80).
You should be able to see the full line in your editor and in
submit system.
- Methods should be no longer than 25 lines long.
- If a method returns a value, it should have a single return statement.
- Break statements should not be used except in the case of a switch.
- You must NOT have any unused variables or constants or lines of code that do nothing (like a = a)
Class structure
- In
a class declaration, constructors should
precede all other methods, then the methods should be in order by
visibility modifier (public, then private) then alphabetically within the same modifier..
- All class variables should
be private unless there is a documented reason for not doing so.
- All class constants should
be public unless there is a documented reason for not doing so.
- All visibility modifiers
should be explicitly stated.
- Comments provide a guide
to what the program is doing.
- Must use normal English spelling and grammar. Phrases instead of full sentences are okay.
- Must come before the code
that they are describing or if brief on the same line.
- Inline comments (//) should only describe major steps within a method.
- Don't document statements that are obvious or readable; document code segments.
Class comment
- every
source file must contain the following at the top of the class. The * on each line is optional, but you must clearly delineate the class comment from code.
description of the class goes here
@author Your
name goes here
@version Vn -
Description of the assignment (ex: Lab1, PA1 - Mile
Assignments -
Every programming assignment
must contain the following statement or must cite any sources used
(such as a TA). This code must come directly beneath the class comment.
References and
Acknowledgements: I received no outside help with this
* programming
References and
Acknowledgements: TA Glenn helped me with the foo method.
comment - All methods must contain a header which contains the following if
applicable. Make sure that you do not give
an @param or @return tag for methods that take no parameters or which
do not return a value. The * on each line is optional, but you must clearly delineate the method documentation from code.
description of the method goes here
paramterName Describe each input parameter, must have one @param line
for each
@return Describe the value that this method returns.
* @throws Describe the exception and condition that would cause it to be thrown