PA 4 - Big Boxes and Little Boxes and Shipping Boxes, oh my!


The following skills are addressed in completing this assignment.


Dukes Shipping provides package shipping services of a specialized nature.  The will only ship containers that are already in boxes and they provide outer protective boxes and packing material to protect those contents.  Dukes Shipping maintains a warehouse of boxes in which to ship the customer's package. When a customer comes in, the clerk must measure the customer's box and then decide whether or not there is a box into which the customer's box can be placed.  If so, we can ship the package.  If not, we must turn the customer away.  It is important that we match the boxes to the customer's box as closely as we can.  If we waste a large container with a small box we potentially could lose a sale.  This application will help the sales clerk to find the shipping box with the best fit to the customer's box.  


This program is a "choose your own grade" program.  The easiest version (version 1) uses a warehouse that has an unlimited supply of 3 standard (constant) shipping boxes.  The 2nd version has a warehouse with an unlimited supply of up to 20 different sized containers that are entered in by a user and stored as an array of Box objects.  Finally, the 3rd (and hardest) version has a warehouse that has 20 different containers that are removed from the warehouse when used for shipping.  Versions 2 and 3 then will require you to manage the inventory in the warehouse.  All three versions will require you to find the shipping box that best fits the package to be shipped.  

The three versions are defined below.


General Specification

In this assignment, you will design and implement a program that populates a Warehouse with Boxes and and that allows individual Boxes to be shipped. Your program must be built using the following four classes:

Each Box is identified by its dimensions (length, width, and depth). In order to ship a box, you must get its dimensions to determine which box in the Warehouse is the "best" box in which to ship it. The "best" box is the box with the smallest volume that is large enough to contain the box to be sent.
Displaying boxes
Displaying boxes - All options and parts
Anytime you must display a box, you will use the string "lengthxwidthxdepth"  where length, width, and depth are the size dimensions of the box, formatted to two decimal positions.
 Error messages for box dimensions
Anytime that we are providing dimensions for boxes, the values must be positive non-zero values.  If a value is wrong, you should echo the bad value with the line, "You entered badValue. You must enter a number that is greater than zero." followed by the newline character followed by the prompt for the value that was bad.  You should display the error message as soon as it is entered.

Part 1 - Specifications

User interface - Part 1 - Menu
You should present a welcome message to the user and a menu.
The welcome should read:

Welcome to Dukes Shipping Service

This welcome should be followed by a blank line.

What do you want to do?
Each time the user chooses an option, the menu should carry out the action and return to the menu, printing the entire menu again.
You must validate the menu choices and present an error message, "Your choice badValue is invalid, please try again" followed by a blank line and followed by a refresh of the menu.  badValue should be replaced by the user's entry.

 User interface - Version 1 Options
After getting the size of the box to ship, the application should display one of two messages, either :

If a suitable box is not found:
For the box 20x10x12:
No shipping box found.

If a suitable box is found:
For the box 10x7x12:
Use box: 15x20x8.

Option 3  - Quit
You should exit the program with the statement "Dukes Shipping Service ending." followed by the newline character.

Version 2 - Specifications

User interface - Version 2 - Menu
You should present a welcome message to the user and a menu.

The welcome should read:

Welcome to Dukes Shipping Service

This welcome should be followed by a blank line.

What do you want to do?
Each time the user chooses an option, the menu should carry out the action and return to the menu, printing the entire menu again.
You must validate the menu choices and present an error message, "Your choice badValue is invalid, please try again" followed by a blank line and followed by a refresh of the menu.  badValue should be replaced by the user's entry.

After getting the size of the box to ship, the application should display one of two messages, either :

If a suitable box is not found:
For the box 20x10x12:
No shipping box found.

If a suitable box is found:
For the box 10x7x12:
Box 14: 12x10x15.  (In this case 14 is the "slot" number in which that box will be found corresponding to the array entry.)

User interface -Version 2 and 3 -  Each option
Option 1 - Add box to warehouse.
After this choice is made, the application must display a message, "What is the size of your box?" followed by the newline, followed by the word "Length: ".  You should read and validate the length, then print the newline character and the word "Width: ".  Read in and validate the width and then print a newline character and the word Depth: "  Again read and validate the value and print the new line character.  See below for error message requirements.

A blank line should follow the size prompts followed by one of two messages, either "Box added" or "Warehouse full, box not added".  

Option 2 (all Versions) - Ship box from warehouse
After this choice is made, the application must display a message, "What is the size of your box?" followed by the newline, followed by the word "Length: ".  You should read and validate the length, then print the newline character and the word "Width: ".  Read in and validate the width and then print a newline character and the word "Depth: "  Again read and validate the value and print the new line character.  See below for error message requirements.

After getting the size of the box to ship, the application should display one of two messages, either :

If a suitable box is not found:
For the box 20x10x12:
No shipping box found.

If a suitable box is found:
For the box 10x7x12:
Box 14: 12x10x15.  (In this case 14 is the "slot" number in which that box will be found corresponding to the array entry.)

If the warehouse is empty:
Cannot ship.  Warehouse is empty.

Option 3 (all Versions) - Quit
You should exit the program with the statement "Dukes Shipping Service ending." followed by the newline character.

Additional requirements
In addition to the above, your program must conform to the following requirements:
  1. You must use the starter programs provided.  You must use the headers for the suggested methods in Box and Warehouse.  You may add additional methods and you may add additional classes.   Added methods should be private unless they are providing a service to the outside classes.  
  2. The Warehouse 
    1. for Version 1 - should store 3 constant boxes which will represent a small box, a medium box, and a large box.  These are the only three that are stocked and we will assume that you have an unlimited number of such boxes.  The small box will be 4 x 6 x 2, a medium box will be 10 x 10 x 6 and a large box will be 15 x 20 x 8.
    2. for Version 2 - should store the individual Boxes in an array in the Warehouse. Your array must be of size 20.  Boxes may be "reused" or in other words, using a box from the warehouse does not remove the box from the warehouse.
    3. for Version 3 - you should actually remove the box from the array when it is used so that it cannot be reused.    
    4. When a Box is added to the Warehouse, it should be added to the end of the array.
    5. If the Warehouse is full (the the array has no more slots), you should notify the user that the warehouse is full with the message listed above.
  3. If no suitable Box is found, your program should output the following:

  4. If a suitable box is found, the output should look like this:

  5. All input should be validated. This includes both the menu (only 1 - 3) and the box dimensions (only positive numbers allowed).
  6. You must write the methods as specified in each of the provided java files ( and You will need to design the yourself.
  7. All I/O (Scanner or Keyboard objects and System.out.print...) should occur in (unless you use a new class for that purpose only).

Hints and Notes:

  1. The box to be sent fits inside a shipping box if each of the dimensions of the box to be sent are smaller than (not the same as)  the shipping box's dimension.
  2. The BestBox should use an algorithm that includes the dimensions and volume of the box in determining which container to use.  We want the box with the smallest volume that will fit the box to be shipped.
  3. The box may be turned in any direction.  Do not assume that it matters which dimension is entered first second or third.  In other words, a box of size 10x8x6 is the same as a box of 8x6x10.
  4. If you do Version 1 first, you will only need to change the Warehouse class....the Box, Boxes, and BestBox classes should remain the same.  You might use the simple WarehouseV1 class as your tester for the BestBox methods before you try to tackle the Warehouse class for Version 2 and 3.


Completing Version 1 will acheive 55 points toward the total assignment score. (C)
Completing Version 2 will acheive 70 points toward the total assignment score. (B)
Completing Version 3 will acheive 80 points toward the total assignment score. (A)

In addition, 20 points will be awarded for conformance to the Style Guide for your class.