Top 10 list of Linux command

man command
stands for manual. man followed by the name of the command gives you information about that command. EX: man cp
apropros keyword
seaches the documentation for instances of the keyword
print working directory. Displays the absolute pathname of the current working directory
change directory. Changes to the specified directory
cd ~ returns you to your home directory
cd .. moves up one level (to the parent) in the directory tree
cd /dir1/dir2 moves to directory 2 starting from the root
list the contents of the current directory
ls directoryName lists the contents of the relative directory, directoryName
ls -l displays more information including permissions about the directory contents
cp fromfile tofile
copies from the fromfile to the tofile. May use relative names or absolute names.
mv fromfile todestination
renames a file or moves a file. todestination may be a directory or a file name.
rm filename
removes a file (deletes the file). This may also delete an empty directory.
rm -rdirectoryName Removes a directory and all of its contents. NO PROMPT.
mkdir directoryName
creates a new directory with the given name
rmdir directoryName
removes a directory with the given name
less filename
displays the contents of filename. Enter 'q' at the ':' prompt to exit this program.