A function is defined recursively if the value of f(0) is given
and the value of f(n+1)is given in terms of f(n).
f(0) = 1
f(n + 1) = f(n) * (n+1)
Activation record - maintains the current state of method execution.
Created for each invokation of a method. The current method is visible; its caller is next in the stack; its caller is next; until you reach main.
Simulating the activation record
Most easily done with "cards" or boxes on a piece of paper. For each method call, you add a new card to the top of the stack(noting on the original card your return point). The top card always represents the currently executing method.
Trace the getFactorial method for the number 5.
Palindromes - Words that have the same letters from left to right or right to left.
Note - Non-letters are ignored. Case is ignored.
1. Determine the easy case (s)
2. Figure out how to transform the hard case so that it approaches the easy
What is our easy case?
Is there more than one?
What transformation can we do to approach the easy case?
Is there more than one way to design this?
Palindrome.javaWhat about the manipulation of the String to remove non-letters and convert to lower case?
Dr. Bernstein's lecture notes for today has other examples of recursion.
NOTE: For lab on Wednesday, bring some 3x5 cards or sticky notes. Both are sold in the copy center. You may also do the tracing on paper if you prefer.
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