Inheritance in Java


An Object Oriented design technique which allows a new class to be derived from an existing class. The new class inherits both variables and methods of the parent or super class.
super class
A class from which another class is derived.
Another term for the super/sub class relationship.
Another term for the super/sub class relationship.
sub class
A class derived from another class.
The directory path to a file location that begins with the root of the directory in which the file is located.
A sub class has additional characteristics (attributes, behaviors, or both) beyond its super class. It is a specialization of the super class.
Ignores or does not include characteristics (attributes, behaviors, or both) of a sub class. It is a generalization of the sub class.
super reference
A Java reserved word that refers to the super class.
visibility modifier
A Java modifier that defines the scope in which a class member can be accessed.
Modifiers include:
  1. public - visible to all other classes
  2. private - visible only within the class
  3. protected - visible to sub-classes
class relationships
Defines how one class is related to another class.

Classes you should know

Basic class defining the characteristics of enumerated types.

Today's notes

See ppt presentation - Experimenting with Inheritance.

CS 239 - Spring 2006
Department of Computer Science Nancy Harris Home Page Current Classes Link