require "test/unit" module SearchingSorting ############### Searching Algorithms ################## # Return the maximum value in array # @pre: array.size > 0 # @return: nil if precondition is violated def max(array) return nil if array.empty? result = array[0] array[1..-1].each { |v| result = v if result < v } result end # Return the min and max in array # @pre: !a.empty # @return: nil if precondition is violated def find_extremes(a) return nil if a.empty? return a, a if a.size == 1 j, k = 0, a.size-1; while j < k a[j], a[k] = a[k], a[j] if a[k] < a[j] j += 1 k -= 1 end if j == k j += 1 a[j], a[k] = a[k], a[j] if a[j] < a[k] end m1, m2 = a[0], a[j] a[1..k].each {|x| m1 = x if x < m1 } a[(j+1)..-1].each { |x| m2 = x if m2 < x } return m1, m2 end # Return true if key is in array # Standard sequential search def find(key, array) array.each do | element | return true if key == element end false end # Recursive binary search to find the index of an element, or nil if not present # @pre: array is sorted def recursive_binary_search(array, key) return nil if array.empty? m = array.size/2 return m if key == array[m] return recursive_binary_search(array[0...m],key) if key < array[m] index = recursive_binary_search(array[m+1..-1],key) index ? m+1+index : nil end # Non-recursive binary search to find the index of an element, or nil if not present # @pre: array is sorted def binary_search(array, key) lb, ub = 0, array.size-1 while (lb <= ub) m = (ub+lb)/2 return m if key == array[m] if key < array[m] ub = m-1 else lb = m+1 end end return nil end def max_char_sequence(string) return 0 if string.empty? max_len = 0 this_len = 1 last_char = nil string.each_char do | this_char | if this_char == last_char this_len += 1 else max_len = this_len if max_len < this_len this_len = 1 end last_char = this_char end return (max_len < this_len) ? this_len : max_len end ################### Sorting Algorithms #################### # Return true iff the array is sorted in increaasing order def is_sorted?(array) (1...array.size).each do | index | return false if array[index] < array[index-1] end true end # Standard bubble sort algorithm def bubble_sort(array) (1...array.size).reverse_each do | j | 1.upto(j).each do | i | if array[i] < array[i-1] array[i], array[i-1] = array[i-1], array[i] end end end array end # Selection sort that repeatedly finds the mimimum def selection_sort(array) 0.upto(array.size-2).each do | j | min_index = j (j+1).upto(array.size-1).each do | i | min_index = i if array[i] < array[min_index] end array[j], array[min_index] = array[min_index], array[j] end array end # Selection sort that repeatedly finds the maximum def selection_sort2(array) (array.size-1).downto(1).each do | j | max_index = j (0...j).each do | i | max_index = i if array[max_index] < array[i] end array[j], array[max_index] = array[max_index], array[j] end array end # Standard linear insertion sort iwth no sentinel def insertion_sort(array) (1...array.size).each do | j | element = array[j] i = j while 0 < i && element < array[i-1] array[i] = array[i-1] i -= 1 end array[i] = element end array end # Standard linear insertion sort with a sentinel def sentinel_insertion_sort(array) # first put the minimum value in location 0 min_index = 0; (1...array.size).each do | index | min_index = index if array[index] < array[min_index] end array[0], array[min_index] = array[min_index], array[0] # now insert elements into the sorted portion (2...array.size).each do | j | element = array[j] i = j while (element <=> array[i-1]) == -1 array[i] = array[i-1] i -= 1 end array[i] = element end array end # Standard linear shell sort with powers of three for the increment def shell_sort(array) # compute the starting value of h h = 1; h = 3*h + 1 while h < array.size/9 # insertion sort using decreasing values of h while 0 < h do (h...array.size).each do | j | element = array[j] i = j while 0 < i && element < array[i-h] array[i] = array[i-h] i -= h end array[i] = element end h /= 3 end array end # Standard merge sort recursive helper function # Sort src array in two halves between lo and hi-1, and # then merge the halves into dst between lo and hi-1 def merge_into(src, dst, lo, hi) return if hi-lo < 2 m = (lo+hi)/2 merge_into(dst, src, lo, m) merge_into(dst, src, m, hi) j = lo; k = m (lo...hi).each do | i | if j < m and k < hi if src[j] < src[k] dst[i] = src[j]; j += 1 else dst[i] = src[k]; k += 1 end elsif j < m dst[i] = src[j]; j += 1 else # k < hi dst[i] = src[k]; k += 1 end end end private :merge_into # Standard merge sort with an auxiliary array of size n def merge_sort(array) merge_into(array.dup, array, 0, array.size) array end # Standard quicksort helper function using the last value as the pivot def quick(array, lb, ub) return if ub <= lb pivot = array[ub] i, j = lb-1, ub loop do loop do i += 1; break if pivot <= array[i]; end loop do j -= 1; break if j <= lb || array[j] <= pivot; end array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] break if j <= i end array[j], array[i], array[ub] = array[i], pivot, array[j] quick(array,lb,i-1) quick(array,i+1,ub) end private :quick # Standard quicksort with no improvements def quicksort(array) quick(array, 0, array.size-1) array end # Quicksort helper function with the median-of-three improvement def quick_m3(array, lb, ub) return if ub <= lb # find sentinels and the median for the pivot m = (lb+ub)/2 array[lb], array[m] = array[m], array[lb] if array[m] < array[lb] array[m], array[ub] = array[ub], array[m] if array[ub] < array[m] array[lb], array[m] = array[m], array[lb] if array[m] < array[lb] # if the sub-array is size 3 or less, it is now sorted return if ub-lb < 3 # put the median just shy of the end of the list array[ub-1], array[m] = array[m], array[ub-1] pivot = array[ub-1] i, j = lb, ub-1 loop do loop do i += 1; break if pivot <= array[i]; end loop do j -= 1; break if j <= lb || array[j] <= pivot; end array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] break if j <= i end array[j], array[i], array[ub-1] = array[i], pivot, array[j] quick_m3(array,lb,i-1) quick_m3(array,i+1,ub) end private :quick_m3 # Quicksort with the median of three improvement def quicksort_m3(array) quick_m3(array, 0, array.size-1) array end # Quicksort helper function with the median-of-three improvement # and using insertion sort for small sublists at the end. def quick_m3isort(array, lb, ub) return if ub-lb <= 12 # find sentinels and the median for the pivot m = (lb+ub)/2 array[lb], array[m] = array[m], array[lb] if array[m] < array[lb] array[m], array[ub] = array[ub], array[m] if array[ub] < array[m] array[lb], array[m] = array[m], array[lb] if array[m] < array[lb] # put the median just shy of the end of the list array[ub-1], array[m] = array[m], array[ub-1] pivot = array[ub-1] i, j = lb, ub-1 loop do loop do i += 1; break if pivot <= array[i]; end loop do j -= 1; break if j <= lb || array[j] <= pivot; end array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] break if j <= i end array[j], array[i], array[ub-1] = array[i], pivot, array[j] quick_m3isort(array,lb,i-1) quick_m3isort(array,i+1,ub) end private :quick_m3isort # Quicksort with the median-of-three improvement and insertion sorting # small sublists. def quicksort_m3isort(array) quick_m3isort(array, 0, array.size-1) insertion_sort(array) array end # Standard heapsort helper function # make array with max_index into a heap starting at i def heapify(array, i, max_index) tmp = array[i] j = 2*i + 1 while j <= max_index j += 1 if j < max_index && array[j] < array[j+1] break if array[j] <= tmp array[i] = array[j] i, j = j, 2*i + 1 end array[i] = tmp end private :heapify # Standard heapsort def heap_sort(array) # make the entire array into a heap max_index = array.size-1 ((max_index-1)/2).downto(0).each do | i | heapify(array,i,max_index) end # repeatedly remove the root and remake the heap loop do array[0], array[max_index] = array[max_index], array[0] max_index -= 1 break if max_index <= 0 heapify(array, 0, max_index) end array end ############## Rubyesque Algorithms ############### def r_quicksort(array) return array if array.size < 2 pivot = array.pop left, right = array.partition { | element | element < pivot } return r_quicksort(left) + [pivot] + r_quicksort(right) end def built_in_sort(array) return array.sort! end def time_sort(name, array, sort_func) a = array.dup t1 = puts " Elapsed time for #{name}: #{}" end def time_algorithms array_size = 2500 while array_size < 500000 a = (1..array_size).to_a puts "Sorting a sorted array of size #{array_size}" if (array_size < 6000) time_sort("Bubble sort\t\t\t", a, method(:bubble_sort)) time_sort("Selection sort\t\t", a, method(:selection_sort)) time_sort("Quicksort\t\t\t", a, method(:quicksort)) end time_sort("Insertion sort\t\t", a, method(:insertion_sort)) time_sort("Shell sort\t\t\t", a, method(:shell_sort)) time_sort("Merge sort\t\t\t", a, method(:merge_sort)) time_sort("Quicksort with median of 3\t", a, method(:quicksort_m3)) time_sort("Heap sort\t\t\t", a, method(:heap_sort)) a.shuffle! puts "Sorting an unsorted array of size #{array_size}" if (array_size < 6000) time_sort("Bubble sort\t\t\t", a, method(:bubble_sort)) time_sort("Selection sort\t\t", a, method(:selection_sort)) time_sort("Insertion sort\t\t", a, method(:insertion_sort)) end time_sort("Quicksort\t\t\t", a, method(:quicksort)) time_sort("Shell sort\t\t\t", a, method(:shell_sort)) time_sort("Merge sort\t\t\t", a, method(:merge_sort)) time_sort("Quicksort with median of 3\t", a, method(:quicksort_m3)) time_sort("Heap sort\t\t\t", a, method(:heap_sort)) array_size *= 2 end end end #################### Unit Tests ##################### #=begin class TestSearching < Test::Unit::TestCase include SearchingSorting def test_max a = (0..1000).to_a a.shuffle! assert_equal(1000, max(a)) end def tet_extremes assert_equal(find_extremes([]),nil) assert_equal(find_extremes([2],[2,2])) assert_equal(find_extremes([9,6,5,3,2,1,2,7],[1,9])) end def test_find a = (0..1000).to_a a.shuffle! assert(find(500,a)) refute(find(-1,a)) end def test_binary_search a = (0..1000).to_a assert_equal(nil, recursive_binary_search(a,1001)) assert_equal(0, recursive_binary_search(a,0)) assert_equal(1000, recursive_binary_search(a,1000)) assert_equal(487, recursive_binary_search(a,487)) assert_equal(nil, binary_search(a,1001)) assert_equal(0, binary_search(a,0)) assert_equal(1000, binary_search(a,1000)) assert_equal(487, binary_search(a,487)) end def test_max_char_sequence assert_equal(0, max_char_sequence("")) assert_equal(1, max_char_sequence("a")) assert_equal(1, max_char_sequence("abc")) assert_equal(3, max_char_sequence("abbbc")) assert_equal(5, max_char_sequence("aaaaabbbcccc")) assert_equal(5, max_char_sequence("abbccccc")) end def test_sorts a = (0..1543).to_a + (0..300).to_a a.shuffle! c = a.sort refute(is_sorted?(a)) assert_equal(c,bubble_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,selection_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,selection_sort2(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,insertion_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,sentinel_insertion_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,shell_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,merge_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,quicksort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,quicksort_m3(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,quicksort_m3isort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,heap_sort(a.dup)) assert_equal(c,r_quicksort(a.dup)) end def time_sort(name, array, sort_func) a = array.dup refute(is_sorted?(a)) t1 = puts "Elapsed time for #{name}: #{}" end def test_timing a = (0..200517).to_a a.shuffle! refute(is_sorted?(a)) puts # time_sort("Bubble sort\t\t\t", a, method(:bubble_sort)) # time_sort("Selection sort\t\t\t", a, method(:selection_sort)) # time_sort("Insertion sort\t\t\t", a, method(:insertion_sort)) # time_sort("Sentinel insertion sort\t", a, method(:sentinel_insertion_sort)) # time_sort("Shell sort\t\t\t", a, method(:shell_sort)) # time_sort("Built-in sort\t\t\t", a, method(:built_in_sort)) # time_sort("Rubyesque quicksort\t\t", a, method(:r_quicksort)) # time_sort("Merge sort\t\t\t", a, method(:merge_sort)) # time_sort("Quicksort with median of 3++\t", a, method(:quicksort_m3isort)) # time_sort("Quicksort with median of 3\t", a, method(:quicksort_m3)) # time_sort("Quicksort\t\t\t", a, method(:quicksort)) # time_sort("Heap sort\t\t\t", a, method(:heap_sort)) end end #=end