Imposing Structure on XML Documents Using a DTD
An Introduction to Document Type Definitions

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

Document Type Defintions (DTDs)
DOCTYPE Declaration (in the XML Document)

An Example

xmlexamples/timetable/dtd/amtrak.xml (Fragment: 0)
        <!DOCTYPE timetable SYSTEM "timetable.dtd">
Declarations in a DTD
DOCTYPE The root declaration.
ELEMENT Declares an element type.
ATTLIST Declares an attribute list for an element type.
Unary Operators in a DTD
+ The element can appear one or more times.
* The element can appear zero or more times.
? The element can appear zero or one times.
Binary Operators in a DTD
| Essentially the delimiter in a list of possible elements.
Types in a DTD
#PCDATA The element can contain any text (i.e., parsed character data).
EMPTY The element has no content.
ANY The element can have any type of content.
The DOCTYPE Declaration (in a DTD)
The ELEMENT Declaration (in a DTD)
The ELEMENT Declaration (cont.)

An Example

xmlexamples/timetable/dtd/timetable.dtd (Fragment: 0)
        <!ELEMENT stop (station, time*) >
The ATTLIST Declaration (in a DTD)
The ATTLIST Declaration (cont.)

An Example

xmlexamples/timetable/dtd/timetable.dtd (Fragment: 1)
        <!ELEMENT train (stop+) >
  <!ATTLIST train businessclass (YES | NO) "NO" >
  <!ATTLIST train normaldays (Daily | Mo-Fr | Sa | Su) #REQUIRED >
  <!ATTLIST train number CDATA #REQUIRED >
  <!ATTLIST train reservations (YES | NO) "NO" >
A Complete Example


        <!ELEMENT timetable (train*) >
  <!ATTLIST timetable subtitle CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ATTLIST timetable title CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT station (#PCDATA) >

<!ELEMENT stop (station, time*) >

<!ELEMENT time (#PCDATA) >
  <!ATTLIST time status (Ar | Dp) #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT train (stop+) >
  <!ATTLIST train businessclass (YES | NO) "NO" >
  <!ATTLIST train normaldays (Daily | Mo-Fr | Sa | Su) #REQUIRED >
  <!ATTLIST train number CDATA #REQUIRED >
  <!ATTLIST train reservations (YES | NO) "NO" >



        <?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE timetable SYSTEM "timetable.dtd">

<timetable title="Boston...Providence...New London...New York"
     subtitle="Through services to Philadelphia...Washington...Newport News">
  <train number="95" normaldays="Mo-Fr" reservations="YES" businessclass="YES">
      <station>Boston, MA-South Station</station>

      <station>Boston, MA-Back Bay</station>

      <station>Route 128, MA</station>

      <station>Providence, RI</station>

      <station>Kingston, RI</station>

      <station>Westerly, RI</station>

      <station>Mystic, CT</station>

      <station>New London, CT</station>

      <station>Old Saybrook, CT</station>

      <station>New Haven, CT</station>
      <time status="Ar">9:00AM</time>
      <time status="Dp">9:15AM</time>

      <station>Bridgeport, CT</station>

      <station>Stamford, CT</station>

      <station>New Rochelle, NY</station>

      <station>New York, NY</station>
      <time status="Ar">10:50AM</time>

      <station>Newark, NJ</station>

      <station>Metropark, NJ</station>

      <station>Trenton, NJ</station>

      <station>Philadelphia, PA</station>

      <station>Wilmington, DE</station>

      <station>Baltimore, MD</station>

      <station>BWI Airport Rail Sta., MD</station>

      <station>New Carrollton, MD</station>

      <station>Washington, DC</station>

      <station>Richmond, VA</station>

      <station>Newport News, VA</station>
      <time status="Ar">7:07PM</time>

  <train number="191" normaldays="Sa"  reservations="YES" businessclass="YES">
      <station>Boston, MA-South Station</station>

      <station>Boston, MA-Back Bay</station>

      <station>Route 128, MA</station>

      <station>Providence, RI</station>

      <station>Kingston, RI</station>

      <station>Westerly, RI</station>

      <station>Mystic, CT</station>

      <station>New London, CT</station>

      <station>Old Saybrook, CT</station>

      <station>New Haven, CT</station>
      <time status="Ar">9:00AM</time>
      <time status="Dp">9:15AM</time>

      <station>Bridgeport, CT</station>

      <station>Stamford, CT</station>

      <station>New Rochelle, NY</station>

      <station>New York, NY</station>
      <time status="Ar">10:50AM</time>

      <station>Newark, NJ</station>

      <station>Metropark, NJ</station>

      <station>Trenton, NJ</station>

      <station>Philadelphia, PA</station>

      <station>Wilmington, DE</station>

      <station>Baltimore, MD</station>

      <station>BWI Airport Rail Sta., MD</station>

      <station>New Carrollton, MD</station>

      <station>Washington, DC</station>

      <station>Richmond, VA</station>

      <station>Newport News, VA</station>

  <train number="171" normaldays="Daily" businessclass="YES">
      <station>Boston, MA-South Station</station>

      <station>Boston, MA-Back Bay</station>

      <station>Route 128, MA</station>

      <station>Providence, RI</station>

      <station>Kingston, RI</station>

      <station>Westerly, RI</station>

      <station>Mystic, CT</station>

      <station>New London, CT</station>

      <station>Old Saybrook, CT</station>

      <station>New Haven, CT</station>
      <time status="Ar">10:25AM</time>
      <time status="Dp">10:35AM</time>

      <station>Bridgeport, CT</station>

      <station>Stamford, CT</station>

      <station>New Rochelle, NY</station>

      <station>New York, NY</station>
      <time status="Ar">12:20PM</time>

      <station>Newark, NJ</station>

      <station>Metropark, NJ</station>

      <station>Trenton, NJ</station>

      <station>Philadelphia, PA</station>

      <station>Wilmington, DE</station>

      <station>Baltimore, MD</station>

      <station>BWI Airport Rail Sta., MD</station>

      <station>New Carrollton, MD</station>

      <station>Washington, DC</station>

      <station>Richmond, VA</station>

      <station>Newport News, VA</station>

An Important Note