Scientific Visualization and Animation: Examples from Geography

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

From Longitude/Latitude to Cartesian Coordinates


From Longitude/Latitude to Cartesian Coordinates (cont.)
From Longitude/Latitude to Cartesian Coordinates (cont.)
svaexamples/cartography/projections.c (Fragment: lonlat2xyz)
 * Convert from spherical longitude/latitude to 
 * 3D rectangular coordinates (with the origin at the 
 * center of the sphere)
 * @param lon   The longitude in degrees (IN)
 * @param lat   The latitude  in degrees (IN)
 * @param x     The x-coordinate (OUT)
 * @param y     The y-coordinate (OUT)
 * @param x     The z-coordinate (OUT)
void lonlat2xyz(double lon, double lat, double &x, double &y, double &z)
   double     coslat, coslon, sinlat, sinlon;   

   coslat = cos(lat*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);
   coslon = cos(lon*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);
   sinlat = sin(lat*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);
   sinlon = sin(lon*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);
   x = (coslat * sinlon);
   y = (sinlat);
   z = (coslat * coslon);
Visualizing a Globe
Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Representing Geographic Features
        #ifndef FEATURE_C
#define FEATURE_C

 * A generic geographic feature (e.g., a polygon, piecewise linear curve)
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0

struct feature
    int               id;      // Unique identifier 
    char              *type;   // POLYGON, LINE_STRIP, ...  
    int               size;    // Number of vertices

    double            *lon;    // Longitudes
    double            *lat;    // Latitudes

    double            *x;      // Cartesian x-coordinate
    double            *y;      // Cartesian y-coordinate
    double            *z;      // Cartesian z-coordinate

    double            *xProj;  // Projected x-coordinate (for maps)
    double            *yProj;  // Prohected y-coordinate (for maps)

Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Reading Country Borders
svaexamples/cartography/initialization.c (Fragment: readPolygons)
 * Create the array of features, read the countries from 
 * the file, create the polygons, and insert them 
 * into the array of features
 * @return   The index of the next empty feature
int readPolygons()
   char        name[80];   
   double      lat, lon;   
   feature     *f;
   FILE        *in;
   int         countryNumber, k, numberOfCountries;
   int         numberOfPolygons, polygonNumber, size;

   in = fopen("world.txt", "r");
   fscanf(in, "%d,%d", &numberOfPolygons, &numberOfCountries);
   numberOfFeatures = numberOfPolygons + GRID_SIZE;
   features = new feature[numberOfFeatures];
   for (k=0; k<numberOfPolygons; k++)
      fscanf(in, "%d,%d,%d,%s", &polygonNumber, &countryNumber, &size, name);
      f       = new feature;      
      initializeFeature(f, size);
      f->id   = countryNumber;
      f->type = "POLYGON";   
      f->size = size;      
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
         fscanf(in, "%lf,%lf", &lon, &lat);
         setCoordinate(f, i, lon, lat);
      features[k] = *f;

   return k;
Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Longitude/Latitude Lines
svaexamples/cartography/initialization.c (Fragment: createGrid)
 * Create the lines that comprise the longitude/latitude 
 * grid and insert them into the array of features
 * @param firstIndex  The index to use for the first line
void createGrid(int firstIndex)
   feature     *f;
   int         k, size;

   k = firstIndex;

   // Create the longitude lines
   for (int lon=-180; lon<=180; lon+=10) // 37 lines
      size = 19;      
      f = new feature;      
      initializeFeature(f, size);
      f->id   = 214;      
      f->type = "LINE_STRIP";
      f->size = size;
      int i = 0;      
      for (int lat=-90; lat<=90; lat+=10)
         setCoordinate(f, i, (double)lon, (double)lat);
      features[k] = *f;      

   // Create the latitude lines
   for (int lat=-90; lat<=90; lat+=10) // 19 lines
      size = 37;      
      f = new feature;      
      initializeFeature(f, size);
      f->id   = 214;      
      f->type = "LINE_STRIP";
      f->size = size;      

      int i = 0;      
      for (int lon=-180; lon<=180; lon+=10)
         setCoordinate(f, i, (double)lon, (double)lat);
      features[k] = *f;      
Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Drawing the Features
svaexamples/cartography/globe.c (Fragment: display)
 * Display the Earth
void onDisplay()
   feature                             *f;
   GLenum                              type;   
   GLfloat                             v[3];

   for (int i=0; i<numberOfFeatures; i++)
      // Get the Feature
      f = &features[i];

      // Determine the Feature's type
      if      (strcmp(f->type, "POLYGON") == 0)    type = GL_POLYGON;
      else if (strcmp(f->type, "LINE_STRIP") == 0) type = GL_LINE_STRIP;
      else                                         type = GL_POINTS;

      // Begin the graphics primitive

         for (int j=0; j<f->size; j++)
            // Use the 3D rectangular coordinates
            v[0] = f->x[j];
            v[1] = f->y[j];
            v[2] = f->z[j];

Visualizing a Globe (cont.)
Putting It All Together
svaexamples/cartography/globe.c (Fragment: main)
 * The entry point of the application.
 * @param argc  The number of command line arguments
 * @param argv  The array of command line arguments
 * @return      A status code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   float min[] = {-3.0, -3.0, -3.0};
   float max[] = { 3.0,  3.0,  3.0};
   int   k;   

   // Create the array of colors

   // Create the Feature set
   k = readPolygons();
   // Create and initialize the SVA window
   svaCreate(argc, argv, min, max);
   // Start the SVA visualization
Classical Map Projections
Classical Map Projectins (cont.)

Projection Surfaces

Classical Map Projectins (cont.)

Light Sources

Desirable Properties of Map Projections
Equatorial Cylindrical Equal Area Projection
Equatorial Cylindrical Equal Area Projection (cont.)

The World

Equatorial Cylindrical Equal Area Projection (cont.)
svaexamples/cartography/projections.c (Fragment: cylindricalEqualArea)
 * Project from spherical longitude/latitude to 
 * 2D rectangular coordinates (with the origin at the 
 * equator and Greenwich meridian)
 * @param lon   The longitude in degrees (IN)
 * @param lat   The latitude  in degrees (IN)
 * @param x     The x-coordinate (OUT)
 * @param y     The y-coordinate (OUT)
void cylindricalEqualArea(double lon, double lat, double &x, double &y)
   y = sin(lat*RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);   
Visualizing a Map
Visualizing a Map (cont.)
Drawing the Features
svaexamples/cartography/map.c (Fragment: display)
 * Display the Earth
void onDisplay()
   feature                             *f;
   GLenum                              type;   
   GLfloat                             v[3];

   for (int i=0; i<numberOfFeatures; i++)
      // Get the Feature
      f = &features[i];

      // Determine the Feature's type
      if      (strcmp(f->type, "POLYGON") == 0)    type = GL_POLYGON;
      else if (strcmp(f->type, "LINE_STRIP") == 0) type = GL_LINE_STRIP;
      else                                         type = GL_POINTS;

      // Begin the graphics primitive

         for (int j=0; j<f->size; j++)
            // Use the projected coordinates
            v[0] = f->xProj[j];
            v[1] = f->yProj[j];
            v[2] = 0.0;
