Path Tracing
An Introduction with Examples in C++ |
Prof. David Bernstein |
Computer Science Department | |
class, an empty (for semantics
only) Material
interface, a Shape3D
interface, an Intersection
a CompositeShape
(in the sense of the composite
pattern) class, some classes that implement
the Shape3D
interface, and a Light
Interface#ifndef edu_jmu_cs_PathTracingMaterial_h #define edu_jmu_cs_PathTracingMaterial_h #include "../Intersection.h" #include "../Material.h" #include "../Ray.h" #include <glm/glm.hpp> /** * Requirements of a PathTracingMaterial. * * @author Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University */ class PathTracingMaterial: public Material { public: /** * Propagate the given Ray. * * @param ray The Ray to propagate * @param intersection The intersection of the Ray and the Shape3D * @param attenuation The (outbound) attenuation * @param propagated The (outbound) propagated Ray * @retun true if propagation occurs; false otherwise */ virtual bool propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const = 0; }; #endif
#ifndef edu_jmu_cs_Matte_h #define edu_jmu_cs_Matte_h #include "PathTracingMaterial.h" /** * An encapsulation of a path tracing Material that is a perfect diffuser * and, hence, appears to be matte. It will appear the same from any angle. * * @author Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University */ class Matte : public PathTracingMaterial { private: glm::vec3 albedo; public: /** * Explicit Value Constructor. * * @param a The albedo */ explicit Matte(const glm::vec3& a); /** * Propogate the incoming Ray in a random direction. */ virtual bool propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const; }; #endif
Class (cont.)
#include "Matte.h" #include "../graphics3dUtilities.h" Matte::Matte(const glm::vec3& a) : albedo(a) { } bool Matte::propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const { glm::vec3 target = intersection.p + intersection.n + randomPointInUnitDisk(); *propagated = Ray(intersection.p, target - intersection.p); *attenuation = albedo; return true; }
glm::vec3 randomPointInUnitDisk() { //Generate a point at random and see if it is in the unit disk. // If not, try again. // Another approach is to use the spherical Fibonacci sequence // as discussed in Sanger et al. glm::vec3 p; do { p = 2.0f * (glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(drand48()), static_cast<float>(drand48()), 0.0f) - glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } while (dot(p, p) >= 1.0f); return p; }
#ifndef edu_jmu_cs_Glossy_h #define edu_jmu_cs_Glossy_h #include "PathTracingMaterial.h" /** * A Material that has specular reflections. * * @author Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University */ class Glossy: public PathTracingMaterial { private: glm::vec3 albedo; float fuzz; public: /** * Explicit Value Constructor. * * @param a The albedo * @param f The fuzz factir */ Glossy(const glm::vec3& a, float f); /** * Propogate the incoming Ray based on the angle of incidence. */ virtual bool propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const; }; #endif
Class (cont.)
#include "Glossy.h" #include "../graphics3dUtilities.h" Glossy::Glossy(const glm::vec3& a, float f) : albedo(a) { if (f < 1.0f) fuzz = f; else fuzz = 1.0f; } bool Glossy::propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const { glm::vec3 reflected = reflect(normalize(ray.d), intersection.n); *propagated = Ray(intersection.p, reflected + (fuzz*randomPointInUnitDisk())); *attenuation = albedo; return (dot(propagated->d, intersection.n) > 0); }
#ifndef edu_jmu_cs_Transparent_h #define edu_jmu_cs_Transparent_h #include "PathTracingMaterial.h" /** * A Material that is Transparent and, hence, both reflects and * transmits the ray (after refraction). * * @author Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University */ class Transparent : public PathTracingMaterial { public: float refractionIndex; /** * Explicit Value Constructor. * * @param ri The index of refraction */ explicit Transparent(float ri); /** * Randomly either reflect the incoming Ray (based on the angle of * incidence) or trasnmit it (based on the index of refraction). */ virtual bool propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const; }; #endif
Class (cont.)
#include "Transparent.h" #include "../graphics3dUtilities.h" #include <iostream> Transparent::Transparent(float ri) : refractionIndex(ri) { } bool Transparent::propagate(const Ray& ray, const Intersection& intersection, glm::vec3* attenuation, Ray* propagated) const { *attenuation = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glm::vec3 reflected = reflect(ray.d, intersection.n); glm::vec3 refracted; float kappaR; // The proportion of the energy that is reflected if (refract(ray.d, intersection.n, refractionIndex, &refracted)) fresnel(ray.d, intersection.n, refractionIndex, &kappaR); else kappaR = 1.0; kappaR = clamp(0.0f, 1.0f, kappaR); // In this case, treat kappaR as the probability that the Ray is reflected if (static_cast<float>(drand48()) < kappaR) *propagated = Ray(intersection.p, reflected); else *propagated = Ray(intersection.p, refracted); return true; }
bool refract(const glm::vec3 &I, const glm::vec3 &N, const float &ior, glm::vec3* refracted) { glm::vec3 i = normalize(I); glm::vec3 n = N; float etai = 1; // Assuming the ray comes from air float etat = ior; float cosi = clamp(-1, 1, dot(i, n)); if (cosi < 0) { // The ray is from the air to the object cosi = -cosi; } else { // The Ray is from the object to the air std::swap(etai, etat); n = -N; } float ratio = etai / etat; float discriminant = 1 - ratio*ratio * (1 - cosi * cosi); if (discriminant > 0.0f) { *refracted = ratio * (i - cosi*n) - n * sqrtf(discriminant); return true; } else { return false; } }
void fresnel(const glm::vec3 &I, const glm::vec3 &N, const float &ior, float* kR) { float cosi = clamp(-1, 1, dot(I, N)); float etai = 1, etat = ior; if (cosi > 0) { std::swap(etai, etat); } // Compute sini using Snell's law float sint = etai / etat * sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - cosi * cosi)); if (sint >= 1) { // Total internal reflection *kR = 1; } else { float cost = sqrtf(std::max(0.f, 1 - sint * sint)); cosi = fabsf(cosi); float Rs = ((etat * cosi) - (etai * cost)) / ((etat * cosi) + (etai * cost)); float Rp = ((etai * cosi) - (etat * cost)) / ((etai * cosi) + (etat * cost)); *kR = (Rs * Rs + Rp * Rp) / 2; *kR = clamp(0.0f, 1.0f, *kR); } // kT = 1 - kR because of the conservation of energy } glm::vec3 lightIntensityAt(const glm::vec3 &p, const glm::vec3 n, const Tracer* tracer) { glm::vec3 lightAmt(0.0f); glm::vec3 oShadow = p; for (int i = 0; i < tracer->lightsSize; ++i) { glm::vec3 l = tracer->light[i]->location - p; float lightDistanceSquared = dot(l, l); l = normalize(l); float cosl = std::max(0.0f, dot(l, n)); // Determine if the point is in the shadow of a relevant object Intersection shadowIntersection; bool inShadow = tracer->scene->intersectsWith(Ray(oShadow, l), 0.001, MAXFLOAT, &shadowIntersection) && shadowIntersection.t * shadowIntersection.t < lightDistanceSquared; if (!inShadow) lightAmt += glm::vec3(1.0f) * tracer->light[i]->color * cosl; } return lightAmt; } glm::vec3 randomPointInUnitDisk() { //Generate a point at random and see if it is in the unit disk. // If not, try again. // Another approach is to use the spherical Fibonacci sequence // as discussed in Sanger et al. glm::vec3 p; do { p = 2.0f * (glm::vec3(static_cast<float>(drand48()), static_cast<float>(drand48()), 0.0f) - glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); } while (dot(p, p) >= 1.0f); return p; } /** * Note: The orientation of l is reversed from some presentations. */ glm::vec3 reflect(const glm::vec3& l, const glm::vec3& n) { return l - 2*dot(l, n)*n; } bool refract(const glm::vec3 &I, const glm::vec3 &N, const float &ior, glm::vec3* refracted) { glm::vec3 i = normalize(I); glm::vec3 n = N; float etai = 1; // Assuming the ray comes from air float etat = ior; float cosi = clamp(-1, 1, dot(i, n)); if (cosi < 0) { // The ray is from the air to the object cosi = -cosi; } else { // The Ray is from the object to the air std::swap(etai, etat); n = -N; } float ratio = etai / etat; float discriminant = 1 - ratio*ratio * (1 - cosi * cosi); if (discriminant > 0.0f) { *refracted = ratio * (i - cosi*n) - n * sqrtf(discriminant); return true; } else { return false; } } float schlick(float cosine, float etat) { // Assume the other material is air (with an IOR of 1) float r0 = (1.0f - etat) / (1.0f + etat); r0 = r0 * r0; return r0 + (1.0f - r0)*pow((1.0f - cosine), 5.0f); }
#ifndef edu_jmu_cs_PathTracer_h #define edu_jmu_cs_PathTracer_h #include "../Tracer.h" /** * An encapsulation of a simple PathTracer. * * @author Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University */ class PathTracer: public Tracer { private: int ns; public: /** * Explicit Value Constructor. * * @param s The scene * @param l The lights * @param ls The number of lights (only one is used) * @param ms The maximum number of steps/propagations * @param samples The number of samples */ PathTracer(Shape3D* s, Light** l, int ls, int ms, int samples); virtual glm::vec3 trace(const Ray& r, int steps) const; virtual void render(Camera cam, FrameBuffer *fb, int width, int height) const; }; #endif
Class (cont.)
#include "../graphics3dUtilities.h" #include "PathTracer.h" #include "PathTracingMaterial.h" #include <iostream> PathTracer::PathTracer(Shape3D* s, Light** l, int ls, int ms, int samples) { scene = s; light = l; lightsSize = ls; maxSteps = ms; ns = samples; } glm::vec3 PathTracer::trace(const Ray& r, int steps) const { Intersection intersection; if (scene->intersectsWith(r, 0.001, MAXFLOAT, &intersection)) { Ray propagated; glm::vec3 attenuation; PathTracingMaterial* material = ((PathTracingMaterial*)(intersection.material)); if (steps < maxSteps && material->propagate(r, intersection, &attenuation, &propagated)) { // Recurse return attenuation * trace(propagated, steps + 1); } else { // Done with the recursion so return black return glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } else { // Return the color of the Ray from the Light glm::vec3 d = normalize(r.d); float t = 0.5*(d.y + 1.0); return (1.0f - t) * glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) + t * light[0]->color; } } void PathTracer::render(Camera cam, FrameBuffer *fb, int width, int height) const { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { glm::vec3 col(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for (int sample=0; sample < ns; sample++) { float s = static_cast<float>(i + static_cast<float>(drand48())) / static_cast<float>(width); float t = static_cast<float>(j + static_cast<float>(drand48())) / static_cast<float>(height); Ray r = cam.getRay(s, t); col += trace(r, 0); } col /= static_cast<float>(ns); col = glm::vec3(sqrt(col[0]), sqrt(col[1]), sqrt(col[2])); int ir = clamp(0, 255, static_cast<int>(255.99*col[0])); int ig = clamp(0, 255, static_cast<int>(255.99*col[1])); int ib = clamp(0, 255, static_cast<int>(255.99*col[2])); fb->setPixel(i, j, ir, ig, ib); } std::cout << "Row " << j << " of " << height << "\n"; } }