One-Dimensional Optimization
An Introduction with Examples

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

An Example
An Example (cont.)
The Golden Section Algorithm
The Golden Section Algorithm (cont.)
The Golden Section Algorithm (cont.)
The Golden Section Algorithm (cont.)

In Pseudocode

    Choose an initial lower bound L and upper bound U

    Set t_L equal to L + 0.382 * (U - L)
    Set t_R equal to L + 0.618 * (U - L)

    while (U - L is too large} {

      if (The objective function evaluated at t_L is greater
          than the objective function evaluated at t_R) {

            Set U equal to t_R
            Set t_R equal to t_L
            Set t_L equal to L + 0.382 * (U - L)

      } else {

            Set L equal to t_L
            Set t_L equal to t_R
            Set t_R equal to  L + 0.618 * (U - L)
Solving the Example

Bounds: 0, 800

Iter. L tL tR U
1 0.00 305.57 494.43 800.00
2 0.00 188.85 305.57 494.43
3 188.85 305.57 377.71 494.43
4 188.85 260.99 305.57 377.71
5 188.85 233.44 260.99 305.57
6 233.44 260.99 278.02 305.57
7 233.44 250.47 260.99 278.02
8 233.44 243.96 250.47 260.99
9 243.96 250.47 254.49 260.99
10 243.96 247.98 250.47 254.49
11 247.98 250.47 252.00 254.49
12 247.98 249.52 250.47 252.00
13 249.52 250.47 251.05 252.00
14 249.52 250.10 250.47 251.05
An Implementation
        #include "Maximize.h"

 * Maximize a "well-behaved" function using the Golden Section algorithm
double maximize(double (*f)(double), double L_0, double U_0, double tol) {
  double L, t_L, t_R, U;

  // Initialize
  L = L_0;
  U = U_0;

  t_L = L + 0.382 * (U - L);
  t_R = L + 0.618 * (U - L);

  // Iterate
  while ((U - L) > tol) {
    if (f(t_L) > f(t_R)) {
//       L   = L;
      U = t_R;
      t_R = t_L;
      t_L = L + 0.382 * (U - L);
    } else {
      L = t_L;
//       U   = U;
      t_L = t_R;
      t_R = L + 0.618 * (U - L);

  return (U + L) / 2.0;