Multi-Dimensional Arrays
An Introduction with Examples in Java

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

Review of Arrays
Review of Arrays (cont.)
Review of Arrays (cont.)
Review of Arrays (cont.)
Review of Arrays (cont.)
Motivation for Arrays of Arrays
    // Keep track of the points scored in each game for week 0
    int[] pointsScored0 = {58, 60};
    // Keep track of the points scored in each game for week 1
    int[] pointsScored1 = {72, 48, 61, 44};
    // Keep track of the points scored in each game for week 2
    int[] pointsScored2 = {60, 63, 51};
Motivation for Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Arrays of Arrays
Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

An Example

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 0)
        int          game, points, week;
        int[]        temp;
        Object[]     pointsScored;

        pointsScored    = new Object[3];

        temp            = new int[2];
        temp[0]         = 58;
        temp[1]         = 60;
        pointsScored[0] = temp;

        temp            = new int[4];
        temp[0]         = 72;
        temp[1]         = 48;
        temp[2]         = 61;
        temp[3]         = 44;
        pointsScored[1] = temp;

        temp            = new int[3];
        temp[0]         = 60;
        temp[1]         = 63;
        temp[2]         = 51;
        pointsScored[2] = temp;

        for (week=0; week < pointsScored.length; week++)
            System.out.printf("\nWeek: %s\n", week);

            temp = (int[])pointsScored[week];

            for (game=0; game < temp.length; game++)
                points = temp[game];
                System.out.printf("  Game %d: %d\n", game, points);
Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

An Example

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 0)
        int          game, points, week;
        int[][]      pointsScored;        // Note the declaration

        // Create a "group" of arrays.  There are
        // 3 arrays in the "group".
        pointsScored    = new int[3][];

        // Create array zero.  There are 2 elements
        // in the array.
        pointsScored[0]    = new int[2];
        pointsScored[0][0] = 58;          // Note the use of [][]
        pointsScored[0][1] = 60;          // Note the use of [][]

        // Create array one.  There are 4 elements
        // in the array.
        pointsScored[1]    = new int[4];
        pointsScored[1][0] = 72;
        pointsScored[1][1] = 48;
        pointsScored[1][2] = 61;
        pointsScored[1][3] = 44;

        // Create array two.  There are 3 elements
        // in the array.
        pointsScored[2]    = new int[3];
        pointsScored[2][0] = 60;
        pointsScored[2][1] = 63;
        pointsScored[2][2] = 51;

        // Note the use of pointsScored.length
        for (week=0; week < pointsScored.length; week++)
            System.out.printf("\nWeek: %s\n", week);

            // Note the use of pointsScored[].length
            // (Watch for ArrayIndexOutOfBounds problems)
            for (game=0; game < pointsScored[week].length; game++)
                System.out.printf("  Game %d: %d\n", game,
Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

An Example

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 0)
        int          column, employees, quarters, row;
        int[][]      sickDays;            // Note the declaration

        employees = 2;
        quarters  = 4;

        sickDays = new int[employees][quarters];

        // Employee 0
        sickDays[0][0] = 5; // 5 sick days in quarter 0
        sickDays[0][1] = 0; // 0 sick days in quarter 1
        sickDays[0][2] = 1; // 1 sick days in quarter 2
        sickDays[0][3] = 0; // 0 sick days in quarter 3

        // Employee 1
        sickDays[1][0] = 2; // 2 sick days in quarter 0
        sickDays[1][1] = 1; // 1 sick days in quarter 1
        sickDays[1][2] = 4; // 4 sick days in quarter 2
        sickDays[1][3] = 3; // 3 sick days in quarter 3

        for (row=0; row < employees; row++)
            for (column=0; column < quarters; column++)
                System.out.printf("%d\t", sickDays[row][column]);
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

Initializing with a "Literal"

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 0)
        int          column, employees, quarters, row;

        // Note the literal
        int[][]      sickDays = {
                                 {5, 0, 1, 0},
                                 {2, 1, 4, 3},

        employees = sickDays.length;
        quarters  = sickDays[0].length;

        for (row=0; row < employees; row++)
            for (column=0; column < quarters; column++)
                System.out.printf("%d\t", sickDays[row][column]);
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

Generating all of the Elements

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 0)
        int      column, row, size;
        int[][]  table;

        size  = 10;
        table = new int[size][size];

        // Generate the entries
        for (row=0; row < size; row++)
            for (column=0; column < size; column++)
                table[row][column] = row * column;
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)
Rectangular Arrays of Arrays (cont.)

Iteration (e.g., for Output)

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 1)
        // Print the entries
        for (row=0; row < size; row++)
            for (column=0; column < size; column++)
                System.out.printf("%d\t", table[row][column]);
General/Irregular Arrays of Arrays

Iteration (e.g., for Output)

javaexamples/multidimensionalarrays/ (Fragment: 2)
     * Print an array of arrays of String objects on System.out.
     * @param data   The data
     * @param width  The width of each column
    public static void print(String[][] data, int width)
        for (int r = 0; r < data.length; r++)        // What is data.length ?
            for (int c = 0; c < data[r].length; c++) // What is data[r].length?
                System.out.printf("%"+width+"s", data[r][c]);