The network had 256 stations spread over 1 kilometer (running
at 3Mbps)
IEEE 802 Committee (1980s):
Standard 802.3 describing CSMA/CD was published in 1985
Baseband Transmission:
The signal is not shifted into another frequency band
Manchester Encoding:
Each bit contains a transition
A 1 is a transition from up to down and a 0 is a transition
from down to up
Different Standards
10BASE-5: Bus network (with taps), coaxial cable,
10Mbps, 500 meter maximum segment length
10BASE-2: Bus network (with taps), thin coaxial cable,
10Mbps, 200 meter maximum segment length
10BASE-T: Star network, twisted pair cable,
100BASE-TX: Star network, CAT-5 twisted pair cable
(two pairs per connection), 100Mbps,
100 meter maximum segment length
100BASE-FX: Star network, multimode fiber-optic cable
(one strand in each direction), 100Mbps,
412 meter maximum segment length
1000BASE-SX (1000BASE-LX): Star network,
fiber-optic cable and short (long) wavelength,
1Gbps, 500 (5000) meter maximum segment length
1000BASE-T (1000BASE-LX): Star network,
CAT-5 twisted pair cable, 1Gbps, 100 meter maximum segment length
Frames (in IEEE 802.3)
Seven octets of 10101010 used to synchronize clocks
(using the transitions in the bits)
One octet of 10101011 used as an alert
Destination Media Access Control (MAC) Address:
Six octets
Source MAC Address:
Six octets
Two octets indicating the length of the data field
To remain compatible with the original standard, if the value
is greater than 1500, these octets indicate the network-layer
protocol being used (e.g., IP, Novell IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet)
46-1500 octets
Frame Check Sequence (FCS):
Four octets used for a cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
No handshaking
CRC can be used to find errors but the
receiver just discards the frame
Why They Might Arise:
It takes time for a signal to travel through the medium
Devices at different locations might, as a result,
transmit at the same time
How Detection is Ensured:
A device must continue to transmit for the "round trip time"
(the maximum time required for a round trip)
Collisions (cont.)
When They Can Arise:
Bus networks
Star networks using a hub (a physical layer device that
simply retransmits individual bits to all edges making
the star behave like a "virtual"/"logical" bus)
Half-Duplex Connections on Star Networks
When They Do Not Arise:
Full-duplex (a pair/fiber for each direction)
connections on star networks using a "Fast Ethernet
Switch" (a physical layer device that filters and forwards
Collisions (cont.) - The Process
Carrier Sense (CS): Listen to the network to determine
that no other devices are transmitting.
Start transmitting. [Note: More than one device can be
transmitting at the same time, even if they don't start at
exactly the same time. This is called Multiple Access (MA).]
Collision Detection (CD): If two devices are transmitting,
the signals interfere and this is detected by the devices
(by comparing the transmitted/expected signal with the
actual signal).
A device that detects a collision sends out a jamming signal
to inform other devices not to transmit.
Each device that caused the collision "backs off" for a random
amount of time and re-transmits.
Collisions (cont.)
An Observation:
One frame can be involved in multiple collisions
(over time)
Exponential Backoff at Collision n:
Let m = \min(n, 10)
Choose a value K "at random" from the set
{0, 1, 2, \ldots, (2^m-1)}
Wait K \cdot 512 "bit times"
Rationale for Exponential Backoff:
When n is large (often because there are a large
number of devices), the set of possible
backoff times should be larger and more dispersed
Collisions (cont.)
The long-run fraction of time during which frames are
being transmitted without collisions (when there are
a large number of devices each with a large number of frames
to send)
An Approximation (without derivation):
U = \frac{1}{1 + 5 d_{\text{prop}}/d_{\text{max}}}
where d_{\text{prop}} denotes the propogation
delay and d_{\text{max}} is the transmission
delay for the maximum size frame (about 1.2 msecs for a
10Mbps Ethernet)
Persistence (or, informally, Tenacity)
The Issue:
What should a device do when it determines another device
is transmitting?
Possible Algorithms:
Nonpersistent: wait a random amount of time and try again
1-Persistent: Listen until the medium isn't busy
Persistence (cont.)
A Compromise:
A p-persistent system tries to reduce both
collisions and idle time
The Algorithm:
1. If idle, transmit with probability p and delay
one time unit with probability 1-p
2. If busy, continue to listen until idle and then go to 1.