Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
An Introduction

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

The Underlying Transport Layer Protocol
Bootstrap Process
  1. Client broadcasts a DHCP discovery message
  2. One or more servers send (usually broadacsts though there can be exceptions) a DHCP offer message
  3. The client accepts one of the offers and broadcasts a DHCP request message
  4. The server that sent the accepted offer sends (usually broacasts though there can be exceptions) a DHCP acknowledgement; the other servers mark the IPs as available (thereby withdrawing the offers)
Orderly Shutdown Process
  1. The client sends a DHCP release message to the server
  2. The server returns the IP to the pools
Important Parts of the Acknowledgement Message
  1. Subnet mask
  2. IP of the default gateway/router
  3. IP lease time
  4. IP of the DHCP server
  5. IP of DNS servers
Message Format
Allocating IP Addresses
Things to Know
Tradeoffs: Some Real-World Data

Number of Active Leases at Different Times of Day (over Four Days) at Georgia Tech (for Four Different Lease Times)

images/dhcp_address-space-utilization.gif Source: Khadilkar et. al (2007)
Dynamically Adjusting Lease Times