Class-Enum Hybrids
An Introduction with Examples in Java

Prof. David Bernstein
James Madison University

Computer Science Department

Motivation (cont.)
An Example of the Less-Common Situation
Properties of the Enumerated Instances
Comparing Instances
An Example (cont.)
 * An encapsulation of a very simple immutable Temperature class/enum
 * hybrid.
 * Note: For simplicity, Temperature objects do not have an associated
 * scale (e.g., Farenheit, Celsius/Centigrade, or Kelvin).
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
 * @version 1.0
public class Temperature
    private double    value;
    private String    stringValue;
    public static final Temperature    OFF = new Temperature();    

     * Construct a Temperature object with a stringValue of "Off"
    private Temperature()
       stringValue = "Off   ";

     * Explicit Value Constructor.
     * @param value   The value of this Temperature
    public Temperature(double value)
       this.value = value;

       // Since objects in this class are immutable, it makes sense to
       // create the String representation now
       stringValue = String.format("%-6.1f", this.value);

     * Return true if and only if this Temperature objects
     * has the same value as the given Temperature object.
     * @param other   The Temperature of interest
    public boolean equals(Temperature other)
        return stringValue.equals(other.stringValue);
     * Return a String representation of this Temperature
     * @return   The String representation
    public String toString()
       return stringValue;       
The equals() Method Revisited

An Implementation that Works in a Wider Variety of Situations

    public boolean equals(Temperature other)
      if       ((other == OFF) && (this == OFF)) return true;
      else if  ((other == OFF) && (this != OFF)) return false;
      else if  ((other != OFF) && (this == OFF)) return false;
      else     return stringValue.equals(other.stringValue);
Something to Think About
Something to Think About (cont.)

The Month Enum as a Class

javaexamples/oopbasics/months/class/ (Fragment: 0)
 * A class (rather than an enum) for the months of the year.
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
public class Month
    public static final Month JANUARY   = new Month("January",  31);
    public static final Month FEBRUARY  = new Month("February", 28);
    public static final Month MARCH     = new Month("March",    31);
    public static final Month APRIL     = new Month("April",    30);    
    public static final Month MAY       = new Month("May",      31);
    public static final Month JUNE      = new Month("June",     30);
    public static final Month JULY      = new Month("July",     31);    
    public static final Month AUGUST    = new Month("August",   31);
    public static final Month SEPTEMBER = new Month("September",30);
    public static final Month OCTOBER   = new Month("October",  31);
    public static final Month NOVEMBER  = new Month("November", 30);
    public static final Month DECEMBER  = new Month("December", 31);

    private final int    days;
    private final String name;

     * Explicit Value Constructor.
     * @param name   The name of the Month
     * @param days   The number of days in the Month
    private Month(String name, int days)
    { = name;
        this.days = days;
     * Get the 3-letter abbreviation for this Month.
     * @return  The 3-letter abbreviation
    public String getAbbreviation()
        String       result;
        if (name.length() > 3) result = name.substring(0,3)+".";
        else                   result = name;

        return result;      

     * Get the numeric value of this Month (in the interval [1,12]).
     * @return  The numeric value of this Month
    public int getNumber()
        return ordinal()+1; // ordinal() returns the position in the declaration

     * Get the (normal) number of days in this Month.
     * @return  The normal number of days in this Month.
    public int getLength()
        return days;      
     * Return the Month that corresponds to a given String.
     * @param s   The String representation
     * @return    The corresponding Month
     * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if there is no match
    public Month parseMonth(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException
        Month   result;
        String  u;
        u = s.toUpperCase();
        result = Month.valueOf(u);           
        return result;

        // A more elaborate version
        // Month[] all;
        // all = Month.values();
        // for (int i=0; i<all.length; i++)
        // {
        //    if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(all[i].name) 
        //        || s.equalsIgnoreCase(all[i].getAbbreviation()))
        //    {
        //        return all[i];
        //    }
        // }
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such Month");
     * Get a String representation of this Month
     * @return   The String representation (i.e., the name)
    public String toString()
        return name;      
Something to Think About (cont.)
Something to Think About (cont.)

The Improved Month Class

 * A class (rather than an enum) for the months of the year.
 * @author  Prof. David Bernstein, James Madison University
public class Month
    private static final Month[]  VALUES = new Month[12];

    private static       int      next   = 0;    

    private static final String[] IDS = 

    public static final Month JANUARY   = new Month("January",  31);
    public static final Month FEBRUARY  = new Month("February", 28);
    public static final Month MARCH     = new Month("March",    31);
    public static final Month APRIL     = new Month("April",    30);    
    public static final Month MAY       = new Month("May",      31);
    public static final Month JUNE      = new Month("June",     30);
    public static final Month JULY      = new Month("July",     31);    
    public static final Month AUGUST    = new Month("August",   31);
    public static final Month SEPTEMBER = new Month("September",30);
    public static final Month OCTOBER   = new Month("October",  31);
    public static final Month NOVEMBER  = new Month("November", 30);
    public static final Month DECEMBER  = new Month("December", 31);

    private final int    days;
    private final String name;

     * Explicit Value Constructor.
     * @param name   The name of the Month
     * @param days   The number of days in the Month
    private Month(String name, int days)
    { = name;
        this.days = days;
        VALUES[next] = this;
     * Compare this Month to the given month.
     * @param other  The Month of interest
     * @return       -1, 0, or 1
    public int compareTo(Month other)
        if       (this.ordinal() < other.ordinal())  return -1;
        else if  (this.ordinal() == other.ordinal()) return  0;
        else                                         return  1;
     * Get the 3-letter abbreviation for this Month.
     * @return  The 3-letter abbreviation
    public String getAbbreviation()
        String       result;
        if (name.length() > 3) result = name.substring(0,3)+".";
        else                   result = name;

        return result;      

     * Get the numeric value of this Month (in the interval [1,12]).
     * @return  The numeric value of this Month
    public int getNumber()
        return ordinal()+1; // ordinal() returns the position in the declaration

     * Get the (normal) number of days in this Month.
     * @return  The normal number of days in this Month.
    public int getLength()
        return days;      
     * Return the ordinal value of this instance.
     * @return  The ordinal value (0-based)
    public int ordinal()
        for (int i=0; i<VALUES.length; i++)
            if (this == VALUES[i]) return i;            
        // Shouldn't get here!
        return -1;
     * Return the Month that corresponds to a given String.
     * @param s   The String representation
     * @return    The corresponding Month
     * @throws    IllegalArgumentException if there is no match
    public Month parseMonth(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException
        Month   result;
        String  u;
        u = s.toUpperCase();
        result = Month.valueOf(u);           
        return result;

        // A more elaborate version
        // Month[] all;
        // all = Month.values();
        // for (int i=0; i<all.length; i++)
        // {
        //    if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(all[i].name) 
        //        || s.equalsIgnoreCase(all[i].getAbbreviation()))
        //    {
        //        return all[i];
        //    }
        // }
        // throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such Month");
     * Get a String representation of this Month
     * @return   The String representation (i.e., the name)
    public String toString()
        return name;      
     * Get all of the Month objects.
     * @return An array containing all instances
    public static Month[] values()
        return VALUES;

     * Get the Month associated with a particaulr identifier.
     * @param s  The identifier
     * @return   The corresponding Month (or null)
    public static Month valueOf(String s)
        for (int i=0; i<IDS.length; i++)
            if (s.equals(IDS[i])) return VALUES[i];
        return null;
Something to Think About (cont.)