A camera only takes a picture of part of the scene
A Common Approach:
Use the concept of a pinhole camera (rather than, say, a
single lens reflex camera) but put the "film"
(called the view plane or screen) in front
of the pinhole
The Axis-Aligned Case
\(\bs{u}\), \(\bs{v}\), and \(\bs{w}\)
denote the coordinate axes (i.e., the basis) for the view
\(\bs{e}\) denotes the eye/pinhole position (in
scene/world coordinates) which is the origin in view
\(\bs{c}\) denotes the lower-left corner of the
view plane
Nothing between the eye and the view plane is visible
The "chopped pyramid" shape that contains everything that
can be seen is a frustum (the walls of which are
the clipping planes)
The General Case
Desirable Functionality:
The ability to position the eye/camera anywhere
and have it point in any direction
Visualization (when Centered):
\(\bs{g}\) denotes the gaze direction (which is normal
to the view plane)
\(\bs{h}\) denotes the head-up direction
The General Case (cont.)
What's Needed:
A basis for the view plane (with \(\bs{e}\) at
the origin)
Determining \(\bs{w}\):
The opposite direction of \(\bs{g}\), and with unit length.
So, \(\bs{w} = -\frac{\bs{g}}{||\bs{g}||}\).
Determining \(\bs{u}\):
Orthogonal to both \(\bs{h}\) and \(\bs{w}\),
and with unit length.
So, \(\bs{u} = -\frac{\bs{h} \times \bs{w}}
{||\bs{h} \times \bs{w}||}\).
Determining \(\bs{v}\):
Orthogonal to \(\bs{w}\) and \(\bs{u}\), and
with unit length.
So, \(\bs{v} = \bs{w} \times \bs{u}\) (which has
unit length).
The General Case (cont.)
Another Consideration:
The shape of the pixels
For Square Pixels:
Must ensure that \(\frac{2u}{2v} = \frac{u}{v}\)
equals the aspect ratio (i.e., the width divided by the height)
Specifying Parameters
An Observation:
There are many different ways to specify the
parameters of this model
A Common Approach:
Use the focal length (i.e., the distance between the
eye/camera and the view plane), the vertical field of view
(which is an angular measure), and the aspect ratio
Specifying Parameters (cont.)
A Visualization:
We are looking at the view plane "edge on" (so \(\bs{u}\)
is pointing out of the illustration)
\(\phi\) denotes the (vertical) field of view
\(s\) denotes the focal length
The "half height" can be calculated from \(\phi\)
and \(s\)
The "half width" can be calculated from the "half
height" and the aspect ratio