JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Lab: Skills - Using Git in Eclipse

There are several tasks you must complete before the scheduled lab period.

The remaining tasks must be completed during the scheduled lab period, with the members of your team.

1. Cloning a Repository: This part of the lab will help you learn how to use Git to clone an existing remote repository. It must be completed by everyone individually.
  1. Outside of Eclipse, create a directory named projectrepository in the directory under the directory you use for this course (e.g., /home/bernstdh/cs300/projectrepository). NOTE: Do not put the projectrepository directory under the directory that contains the Eclipse workspace you just created (e.g., do not use /home/bernstdh/cs300/projectworkspace/projectrepository).
  2. Open Eclipse using the workspace you created for this lab (see above) before the scheduled lab period (e.g., /home/bernstdh/cs300/projectworkspace).
  3. Open the Git Perspective. For more information, see the course "Help" page on perspectives .
  4. Clone the remote repository that is at the URI that you were given for this lab (e.g., For more information on cloning a repository, see the course "Help" page on Cloning a Repository. Select the main branch (the name may vary but should be apparent from the context, and should be unique), use the projectrepository directory you just created (e.g., /home/bernstdh/cs300/projectrepository) for the destination, and use origin for the "Remote name".
  5. Import the project (NOT the parent directory) into Eclipse. (From the Git perspective, you can right-click on the repository and select Import Projects.)
  6. Open the "Java Perspective".
  7. If the project includes any JUnit tests: Right-click on the project, pull down to Build Path and over to Configure Build Path. Then, select the "Libarires" tab, select "Classpath", click on Add Library, select "JUnit", and click on Next. Then select the appropriate version of JUnit and click on Finish.
  8. If the project includes any JUnit tests, run them to make sure everything is OK.
  9. Because of a defect in some versions of Eclipse/Egit, you should exit Eclipse and re-start it.
2. Working in a Team: This part of the lab will help you learn how to use Git when working in a team. It assumes that the members of the team are named Alice, Bob, Carol, Dan, Eve, and Frank. (If you have fewer members in your team, ignore the instructions for the last members.) Where possible, everyone must watch what everyone else is doing.
  1. Everyone but Bob: Watch Bob.
  2. Bob: Change the forContains() method in so that it uses equalsIgnoreCase() instead of equals(), but do not save the file.
  3. What happens on Bob's version of the project?

    An asterisk (i.e., *) is added next to the file name (on the tab for the file) to indicate that the file has been changed but not saved.
  4. Bob: Save
  5. What happens on Bob's version of the project?

    The * is removed to indicate that the file has been saved. Also, A > is put next to (and the package and project it is in) to indicate that it has been modified since the last commit (and now differs from the code in the local repository).
  6. Bob: Compare your working version of with the latest version from the repository (called the ''HEAD Revision'') to remind yourself of the change you made. For more information, see the course "Help" page on "Comparing Files".
  7. Bob: Close the comparison.
  8. Bob: Commit (but do not push) your change. For more information, see the course "Help" page on the "Summary of Common Git Commands".
  9. Are Bob's changes available to the rest of the team?

    No, because Bob has only committed the changes to Bob's local repository.
  10. Everyone but Carol: Watch Carol.
  11. Carol: Perform a pull. For more information, see the course "Help" page on the "Summary of Common Git Commands".
  12. What message did Carol receive?

    Something like "Nothing to update - everything up to date".
  13. If Bob performs a push, will there be any potential conflicts?

    No, since nobody has pushed any code since Bob cloned the project.
  14. Everyone but Bob: Watch Bob.
  15. Bob: Perform a push (of the main branch). For more information, see the course "Help" page on the "Summary of Common Git Commands".
  16. What happens in everyone else's repository? Why?

    Nothing. Though the code has changed in the central repository, the changes are not automatically replicated in the local repositories.
  17. Everyone but Carol: Watch Carol.
  18. Carol: Change the call to haystack[i].equals() in with a call to haystack[i].endsWith(), and save the file.
  19. Is Carol's code in Carol's local repository?

    No, because Carol hasn't committed it yet.
  20. Carol: Commit (but do not push) the changes.
  21. If Carol performs a push, will there be any potential conflicts?

    Yes, since the code on the central repository has changed since the last time Carol performed a pull.
  22. Carol: Perform a push (of the main branch).
  23. What message did Carol receive?

    Something like "non-fast-forward", indicating that there was, indeed, the potential for a conflict.
  24. What does Carol need to do to remedy this situation?

    Carol needs to pull the ''HEAD revision'' from the central repository, make any necessary changes, and commit and push the revisions.
  25. Carol: Start the process of resolving potential conflicts by conducting a pull that merges. (Note: In general, you can resolve potential conflicts either using a "Merge" or a "Rebase". The difference is explained in the course "Help" page on responding to non-fast-forward messages.) This will show both versions of the code so that you can decide on what code you should keep from the two versions. When doing so, change endsWith() to equals(). (Obviously, you will also need to delete the Git conflict markers that are inserted into the code to highlight the differences.)
  26. Carol: Save the change and add the file to the index.
  27. Carol: Commit the changes.
  28. Carol: Push your local repository to the main branch on the central server.
  29. Why does this push complete successfully?

    Because Carol incorporated the most recent revision from the central repository into her local repository. The central server recognizes this and accepts the push.
  30. Everyone is about to start making changes to the code in their local repository. Why should everyone perform a pull before they start doing so?

    To ensure that they have the most recent version of the code that is on the central repository.
  31. Everyone: Perform a pull to get ready to start working.
  32. Alice: Create a method named forContainsIgnoreCase() that is passed a String[] and String and uses the equalsIgnoreCase() method.
  33. Bob: Change the forContainsTest() method in the CheckTest class so that it ensures that the forContains() method in the Check class is case sensitive. (For example, check to ensure an all-upper-case version of a word in the haystack is not found.)
  34. Carol: Change the forContainsTest_null() method in the CheckTest class so that it tests for the case when both the haystack and the needle are null.
  35. Dan: Create a method named forContains() that is passed a List<String> and String and uses the equals() method.
  36. Eve: Create a method named forContainsIgnoreCase() that is passed a List<String> and String and uses the equalsIgnoreCase() method.
  37. Frank: Create a method named forContains() that is passed an Iterable<String> and String and uses the equals() method.
  38. Everyone: Save your changes.
  39. Where there any problems when anyone saved their files?

    No, because each file was only saved to the team member's local file system.
  40. Everyone: Perform a commit.
  41. Where there any problems at this point?

    No, because only the local repositories changed.
  42. Everyone: Perform a push.
  43. Where there any problems at this point?

    Yes. The first push succeeded and all of the others failed.
  44. Why?

    Because, even though the changes didn't conflict in any meaningful sense, the central server recognized that people made changes to an "old" version and then tried to push them.
  45. Everyone: Resolve the problems locally by conducting a pull.
  46. What happened?

    Hopefully, nobody had to do any work, because the system was able to merge the files on its own. That is, it didn't find any differences that it couldn't resolve on its own since all of the changes were made in different parts of the file. However, if the system couldn't resolve a change then you had to resolve the conflicts manually.
  47. Everyone: Push your changes, performing any necessary pulls in order to do so.
  48. Why would it have been difficult for, say, Carol to add a test to the CheckTest class that tested the forContainsIgnoreCase() methods that Alice was adding to the Check class?

    Because, the code in the CheckTest class would not compile (since it would be using a method in the Check class that doesn't exist in Carol's version.

    Of course, Carol could add a stub to Carol's version of the Check class, but that stub would conflict with Alice's actual implementation.

  49. Given your answer to the previous question, what should a team do when dividing tasks?

    If possible, the team should try to ensure that interdependent tasks are not being completed by different people.
  50. Everyone (Critical - Do Not Skip): Login to GitHub (using your eID and password), click on the repository (on the left side menu), click on [Insights] (on the top menu), click on [Contributors] (on the left side menu), and make sure that your commits appear under the appropriate username. (If they do not, then you probably did something wrong during the setup process, most likely when configuring EGit.)
  51. Everyone: Time permitting, decide among yourself about how to make some changes that will conflict, and make sure you can commit, push and pull as necessary to resolve all of the conflicts.

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