JMU CS239 - Advanced Programming
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Lab: Experimenting with Interfaces

Instructions: Answer the following questions one at a time. After answering each question, check your answer (by clicking on the check-mark icon if it is available) before proceeding to the next question.

You may work on this assignment alone or in a group.

You must be checked-off at the end of the lab period. Otherwise, you must submit a hardcopy of the worksheet before 5:00PM today.

Getting Ready: Before going any further, you should:

  1. Depending on your development environment, create either a directory or a project for this lab.
  2. Setup your development environment.
  3. Download the following files:
    to an appropriate directory/folder. (In most browsers/OSs, the easiest way to do this is by right-clicking/control-clicking on each of the links above and then selecting Save as... or Save link as....)
  4. Add the appropriate files you downloaded to the directory/project you created for this lab.

    .java Files: In most IDEs, .java files (i.e., source files) can just be copied into the project.

    .class and .jar Files: In some IDEs it is easier to use .class files and in others it is easier to use a .jar file that contains the .class files. Hence, you have been provided with both. See the course "Help" page on your IDE for more information.

    Resources: In some IDEs, resources (e.g., images, data files) need to be in a special directory whereas in others they need to be in the working directory. See the course "Help" page on your IDE for more information.

1. Getting Started with Interfaces: This part of the lab will get you started with interfaces.
  1. Read the source code for the HolidayAccount class and Driver1.
  2. Compile and execute Driver1.
  3. What output was generated?

    HA-0000000003   user0
    HA-0000000002   user1
    HA-0000000001   user2
    HA-0000000000   user3
  4. Add the following to the end of the main() method in Driver1:
    	// Sort the accounts
    	// Print the accounts in the sorted order
    	for (i=0; i < accounts.length; i++)
  5. Compile and execute Driver1.
  6. What error message was generated?

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: HolidayAccount
            at java.util.Arrays.mergeSort(Unknown Source)
            at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)
            at Driver1.main(
  7. Read the documentation for the Arrays.sort(java.lang.Object[]) java.util.Arrays#sort(java.lang.Object[]) method.
  8. What interface must all elements in the Object array implement?

    The Comparable interface.
  9. Why was this error message generated?

    The error message above was generated because the Arrays.sort(java.lang.Object[]) java.util.Arrays#sort(java.lang.Object[]) method (and other methods it calls) expects to be passed objects that implement the Comparable java.lang.Comparable interface. The HolidayAccount class doesn't.
  10. Does the HolidayAccount class contain a compareTo() method?

  11. Given the answer to the previous questions, it seems like this defect can be corrected by declaring that the HolidayAccount class realizes the Comparable interface. What change do you need to make to accomplish this?

    The declaration of the class needs to be changed to:
    public class HolidayAccount implements Comparable
  12. Make this change and compile HolidayAccount.
  13. What error message was generated? HolidayAccount is not abstract and does not override 
    abstract method compareTo(java.lang.Object) in java.lang.Comparable
    public class HolidayAccount implements Comparable
  14. Why was this error message generated? In other words, why does the HolidayAccount class not actually implement the Comparable interface?

    This error message was generated because the Comparable interface requires classes to have a public int compareTo(Object otherObject) method and the HolidayAccount class actually has a public int compareTo(HolidayAccount other) method (i.e., the parameters are of different type).
  15. Fix this problem by changing the type of the parameter of the compareTo() method and casting it to a HolidayAccount within the method.
  16. What changes did you make?

        public int compareTo(Object otherObject)
    	HolidayAccount   other;
    	int              relation;
    	other = (HolidayAccount)otherObject;
  17. Compile and execute Driver1.
  18. What output was generated?

    HA-0000000003   user0
    HA-0000000002   user1
    HA-0000000001   user2
    HA-0000000000   user3
    HA-0000000000   user3
    HA-0000000001   user2
    HA-0000000002   user1
    HA-0000000003   user0
2. Getting More Sophisticated: This part of the lab will help you think about interfaces in a more sophisticated way and introduce the importance of a topic that you will study later.
  1. "Undo" the changes you just made to the compareTo(HolidayAccount other) method. In other words, change it back to:
        public int compareTo(HolidayAccount other)
           int       relation;
           relation = 0;
           if (this.accountNumber < other.accountNumber)
              relation = -1;
           else if (this.accountNumber > other.accountNumber)
              relation = 1;
           return relation;
  2. Add the following method to the HolidayAccount class:
         * Compare the account number on this account to the
         * account number on a given account (required by Comparable)
         * @param other The given account
         * @return      -1/1 if this account comes before/after the given account
        public int compareTo(Object other)
           return compareTo(other);       
  3. Does this class now implement the Comparable interface?

  4. Compile HolidayAccount.
  5. Does HolidayAccount contain any syntax errors?

  6. Compile Driver1.
  7. Does Driver1 contain any syntax errors?

  8. Execute Driver1.
  9. What run-time error message was generated?

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
  10. Why was this error message generated?

    This error message was generated because the compareTo(Object) method calls itself, creating an infinite recursion.
  11. Fix this problem by typecasting other in such a way that the compareTo(Object) method calls the appropriate implementation.
  12. What change(s) did you make?

           return compareTo((HolidayAccount)other);       
  13. Compile HolidayAccount. Compile and execute Driver1.
  14. What output was generated?

    HA-0000000003   user0
    HA-0000000002   user1
    HA-0000000001   user2
    HA-0000000000   user3
    HA-0000000000   user3
    HA-0000000001   user2
    HA-0000000002   user1
    HA-0000000003   user0
  15. Which working implementation of the HolidayAccount class do you prefer, the one with just the compareTo(Object) method, or the one with both a compareTo(HolidayAccount) method and compareTo(Object) method? Why?

    You might think that the implementation with two methods is preferred because it doesn't "break" any other classes that might have used the original HolidayAccount class. However, it's important to realize that any other classes that called the compareTo(HolidayAccount) method will continue to work even if there is just a compareTo(Object) method because a HolidayAccount "is an" Object.

    I prefer the implementation with two methods because it contains a type safe compareTo() method that other classes can (and should be encouraged to) use.

    We will see how this defect can be corrected later in the semester.

3. Implementing Other Kinds of Contracts: This part of the lab will help you realize that some contracts do not involve interfaces.
  1. Modify the HolidayAccount class so that it has an equals() method that is passed a Object object named other. Your implementation must call compareTo() and must not use an if statement or loop.
  2. What code did you add?

         * Indicates whether some other object "is equal to" this one.
         * @param other  The other Object
         * @return       true if the two are equal
        public boolean equals(Object other)
            return (compareTo((HolidayAccount)other) == 0);
  3. Read the requirements of the equals() method in the Object java.lang.Object class. Does your implementation satisfy all of these requirements?

    No, it does not satisfy the requirement for when other is null. In fact, if other is null, this implementation will throw a NullPointerException.
  4. Modify your equals() method accordingly. How did you implement it now?

         * Indicates whether some other object "is equal to" this one.
         * @param other  The other Object
         * @return       true if the two are equal
        public boolean equals(Object other)
            if (other == null) return false;
            else               return (compareTo((HolidayAccount)other) == 0);

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