Lab: Experimenting with Enumerated Types

Instructions: Answer as many of the following questions as you can during the lab period. If you are unable to complete the assignment during the lab period it is strongly recommended that you complete it on your own.

Getting Ready: Before going any further, you should:

  1. Make a directory for this lab.
  2. Setup your development environment.
  3. Download the following files:
    to your working directory. (In most browsers, the easiest way to do this is by right-clicking on each of the links above.)

1. Using Integer Constants Instead of Enumerated Types: It is common practice to use a group of integer contants rather than an actual enumerated type. This part of the lab will help you see some of the problems with this approach.
  1. Open Constants, SemesterUtiltities, and in the editor.
  2. Compile Constants, SemesterUtiltities, and
  3. Execute Example1.
  4. What output was generated?

  5. Change FALL to TALL in
  6. Compile
  7. Execute Example1.
  8. What output was generated?

  9. You might be surprised that Example1 executed given that it uses Constants.FALL which is no longer defined. Why did it execute? (You may not know the answer to this question but you should be able to make some conjectures.)

  10. Compile
  11. What error was generated?

  12. Change TALL back to FALL in
  13. Add the constant SUMMER to and assign it the value 2.
  14. Compile and (remembering that it is very important to compile even though it did not change).
  15. Execute Example1.
  16. What output was generated?

  17. What is wrong with this output and what caused the problem?

  18. Put SUMMER and FALL in the proper order (in and adjust their values accordingly.
  19. Compile and
  20. Execute Example1.
  21. What output was generated?

  22. What is wrong with this output and what caused the problem?

  23. Add the line:

    to the main() method in

  24. Will this version of compile?

  25. What output would be generated by this statement?

  26. Why is this somewhat troubling?

  27. What output would be generated by the statement:

  28. What output would be more informative for the previous statement?

2. Using String Constants Instead of Enumerated Types: It is also common practice to use a group of String contants rather than an actual enumerated type. This part of the lab will help you see some of the additional problems with this approach.
  1. Open in the editor.
  2. Compile and execute
  3. What output was generated?

  4. The method String.compareTo(java.lang.String) java.lang.String#compareTo(java.lang.String) can be used to compare two String objects. Use this method to assign second to better if second.compareTo(first) is greater than 0 and to assign first to better otherwise.
  5. What code did you add to the main() method in

  6. Add the line:
           System.out.println("Better grade: "+better);

    to the end of the main() method in

  7. Compile and execute
  8. What output was generated?

  9. What is wrong with this output and why?

  10. How does a "B" compare to a "B-" at JMU and in Java?

3. Using a Simple Enumerated Types: This part of the lab will help you see some of the advantages of using enumerated types. You will explore some of the other benefits later.
  1. Open in the editor.
  2. Compile and execute
  3. What output was generated?

  4. What determines the order used by the compareTo() method?

  5. What .class files were created when you compiled (Hint: Look for all files that start with "Example3" and end with ".class".)

  6. Move the lines:
    public enum LetterGrade
           F, D, DPLUS, CMINUS, C, CPLUS, BMINUS, B, BPLUS, AMINUS, A;       

    from and into a file named

  7. Delete all of the .class files in the directory you created for this lab.
  8. Compile and
  9. What .class files were generated?

  10. Execute
  11. What output was generated?

  12. Recently, JMU instituted a grade of "D-". What changes would you need to make to to support this new policy?

4. Creating a Simple Enumerated Types: This part of the lab will give you some experience creating a simple enumerated type.
  1. Create an enumerated type named that includes a Spring, Summer, and Fall semester (in the appropriate order for a calendar year).

  2. Modify and so that they work correctly with this enumerated type. (Hint: Think about using a "for each" loop.)

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