About iPunch

1 Overview: iPunch is being developed for Synthetic Systems. This document is a summary of three meetings involving the following team at Synthetic Systems:

This team continues to be available for questions and comments.

2 Purpose and Form: Since its inception, Synthetic Systems has used a mechanical time clock to track the "comings and goings" of employees. When an employee arrives at the beginning of her/his shift, she/he punches in. Then, at the end of her/his shift, she/he "punches out". Employees also punch in and out at other times (e.g., for meals).

Synthetic Systems would like to eliminate the mechanical clock it currently uses and replace it with a computerized version. Hence, Synthetic Systems wants to develop its own software called iPunch.

Specifically, iPunch will enable:

3 Market: Synthetic Systems is thinking of iPunch as a custom product with niche market potential. That is, it is being developed for use at Synthetic Systems but, in the future, Synthetic Systems may choose to market it to other companies with similar needs.

iPunch is not a new idea. However, existing products do not provide the feature set required by Synthetic Systems.

4 Categorization: From the standpoint of technology, iPunch should not be thought of as being visionary or leading edge. Instead, iPunch should be thought of as a product that will used established technologies that are widely used in other products.

Copyright 2009