JMU CS345 - Software Engineering
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unitED Sprint 3

The product owner, in consultation with the sales/marketing team and based on the feedback from a focus group, has decided that the product is not likely to sell well and that it needs many more features. To that end, several new stories have been entered into the product backlog.

1 Before the Sprint Planning Meeting

1.1 Additional Features

Before the sprint planning meeting you must all read and understand the stories that must be added to the product backlog. They are contained in the following document:

You should also enter all of the epics and stories (which ScrumBoard calls issues) into ScrumBoard. This will save a lot of time during the planning meeting.

Finally, each member of the team must read and understand the new interaction design document:

1.2 Preparing for Deployment/Release

Also before the sprint planning meeting each member of the team must read the descriptions of the:

and add appropriate items into the sprint backlog. (Also, you should probably agree on a firm date/time when these tasks will begin, and think about what tasks are on the critical path before these tasks.)

2 The Sprint Planning Meeting

During the sprint planning meeting you must:
  1. Move stories/tasks that were not completed during the last sprint to this one.
  2. Apply the sprint planning process to those stories/tasks and any remaining stories in the product backlog. (See sprint 1 if you've forgotten the process.)

3 The Remainder of the Sprint

After the sprint planning meeting is over, each member of the team must complete the tasks that they took responsibility for and record their progress in the Scrum tool.

4 What You Will Need for the Review

You should, by now, know what you will need for the review.

5 Technical Hints and Help

The CS Department's wiki has information that might help you add some of the functionality described in the new PBIs and/or prepare some of the deliverables. For example:

Also, several of the labs contain information that might be helpful for this sprint.

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