Sample Questions for Exam 2

  1. Answer the sample questions for .
    1. Explain the difference between an interface and a class (in Java).
    2. What are the differences between an interface and an abstract class (in Java).
    3. What are the differences between black-box and clear-box (or white-box) testing.
  2. Indicate whether each of the following statements is true or false:
    (1) _____ An interface can be thought of as a contract.
    (2) _____ As we have used the term this semester, "polymorphism" means "used in a variety of different object-oriented languages".
    (3) _____ One interface can extend another interface (in Java).
    (4) _____ It is possible to create instances of an abstract class.
    (5) _____ An abstract class can implement an interface.
  3. Given the following Image and JPEG classes:
      public abstract class Image
          protected int[]   bytes;
          public void Image(int w, int h)
              bytes = new int[w*h];
          public abstract void paint();
      public class JPEG extends Image
          public int        width, height;
          public JPEG(int w, int h)
              super(w, h);
              width = w;
              height = h;
          public void paint()
              int i;
              for (i=0; i<bytes.length; i++) {

    identify the problem(s) with the following code snippet:

      public class Bad
          public static void main(String[] args)
              Image    copyCat;
              JPEG     cat;
              cat = new JPEG(100, 20);
              System.out.println("Width  of cat: "+cat.w);
              System.out.println("Height of cat: "+cat.h);
              copyCat = cat;
  4. Given the following Security and Stock classes:
        public abstract class Security 
            protected double price;
            private   int    volume;
            public Security()
                price = 100.0;
                volume = 5000;
            public abstract void print();
        public class Stock extends Security
            private String exchange;
            public Stock()
                price = 200.0;
                exchange = new String("NASDAQ");
            public void print()
                System.out.println(price+"   "+exchange);

    What will be printed by the following code snippet?

        public class Question
            public static void main(String[] args)
                Stock s;
                s = new Stock();
  5. Given the following Clock class:
    public abstract class Clock
        protected int      hours, minutes;
        public Clock()
        public Clock(int hours, int minutes)
    	this.hours = hours;
    	this.minutes = minutes;
        public abstract String format();
        public void print()

    the following TerseClock class:

    public class TerseClock extends Clock
        public TerseClock(int hours, int minutes)
    	super(hours, minutes);
        public String format()
    	return "" + hours + ":" + minutes;

    and the following VerboseClock class:

    public class VerboseClock extends Clock
        public VerboseClock(int hours, int minutes)
    	super(hours, minutes);
        public String format()
    	return "The time is " + minutes +" after " + hours;

    either identify and fix all of the errors in the following ClockDriver class or show what will be printed (assuming it is executed properly):

    public class ClockDriver
        public static void main(String[] args)
    	Clock         c;
    	c = new TerseClock(10,15);
    	c = new VerboseClock(12,30);
  6. Given the following Taxable interface, and Book, Clothes, Food, and TaxBasedOnPrice classes:
    public interface Taxable
        public abstract double getTax();
    public class Book implements Taxable
        private String          title;
        public Book(String title)
    	this.title = title;
        public double getTax()
    	return 5.00;
        public String toString()
    	return title + " Tax: " + getTax();
    public class Clothes extends TaxBasedOnPrice
        private int       size;
        private String    color, style;
        public Clothes(String style, String color, int size, double price)
    	super(price, 0.10); = style;
    	this.color = color;
    	this.size  = size;
        public String toString()
    	return "Size " + size + " " + style + " in " + color + 
    	       " Price: " + getPrice() + "  Tax: " + getTax();
    public class Food extends  TaxBasedOnPrice
        private String      description;
        public Food(String description, double price)
    	super(price, 0.05);
    	this.description = description;
        public String toString()
    	return description + " Price: " + getPrice() + 
    	       "  Tax: " + getTax();
    public abstract class TaxBasedOnPrice implements Taxable
        private double      price, taxRate;
        public TaxBasedOnPrice(double price, double taxRate)
    	this.price   = price;
    	this.taxRate = taxRate;
        public double getPrice()
    	return price;
        public double getTax()
    	return price * taxRate;

    what will be printed by the following driver?

    public class TaxDriver
        public static void main(String[] args)
    	Book            book;
    	Clothes         clothes;
    	Food            food;
    	Taxable[]       purchases;
    	purchases = new Taxable[3];
    	book    = new Book("Multimedia Software");
    	clothes = new Clothes("Shirt", "Yellow", 8, 12.00);
    	food    = new Food("Hot Dog",2.00);
    	purchases[0] = book;
    	purchases[1] = clothes;
    	purchases[2] = food;
    	for (int i=0; i<purchases.length; i++) 
        public static void printMessage(Food food)
    	System.out.println("I'm food!");
        public static void printMessage(Taxable taxable)
    	System.out.println("I'm taxable!");
        public static void printAll(Taxable[] items)
    	for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) 
    	for (int i=0; i<items.length; i++) 
  7. Given the following TwoPartMeasure class and the following Length class:
           * A two-part measurement (e.g., a length in feet and inches, a
           * weight in pounds and ounces, ...)
           * A two-part measurement consists of a number of 
           * large units (e.g., feet) and a number of small 
           * units (e.g., inches)
      1   public abstract class TwoPartMeasure
      2   {
      3       private int           large, sign, small;
      4       protected int         smallsPerLarge;
      5       protected String      largeUnitsSingular, largeUnitsPlural;
      6       protected String      smallUnitsSingular, smallUnitsPlural;
               * Default Constructor
      7       public TwoPartMeasure()
      8       {
      9           this(0, 0, true);
     10       }
               * Explicit Value Constructor
               * @param large  The number of large units (must be positive)
               * @param small  The number of small units (must be positive)
     11       public TwoPartMeasure(int large, int small)
     12       {
     13           this(large, small, true);
     14       }
               * Explicit Value Constructor
               * @param large    The number of large units (must be positive)
               * @param small    The number of small units (must be positive)
               * @param positive true for positive and false for negative
     15       public TwoPartMeasure(int large, int small, boolean positive)
     16       {
     17           this.large = Math.abs(large);
     18           this.small = Math.abs(small);
     19           this.sign   = 1;
     20           if (!positive) this.sign = -1;
     21           initializeUnits();
     22       }
               * Change this TwoPartMeasure by a given amount
               * @param other   The amount to change this TwoPartMeasure by
     23       public void changeBy(TwoPartMeasure other)
     24       {
     25           int           otherTotal, thisTotal, total;
     26           otherTotal = other.toSmall();
     27           thisTotal  = this.toSmall();
     28           total = thisTotal + otherTotal;
     29           large = total / smallsPerLarge;
     30           small = total % smallsPerLarge;
     31       }
               * Check to see if thisTwoPartMeasure is equal to 
               * a given TwoPartMeasure
               * @param other   The other TwoPartMeasure use in the comparison
               * @return        true if the two are equal and false otherwise
      32      public boolean equals(TwoPartMeasure other)
      33      {
      34          boolean comparison;
      35          int     otherTotal, thisTotal;
      36          thisTotal  = this.toSmall();
      37          otherTotal = other.toSmall();
      38          comparison = false;
      39          if (thisTotal == otherTotal) comparison = true;
      40          return comparison;
      41      }
               * Initialize the "constants" used by a TwoPartMeasure,
               * specifically:
               *    smallsPerLarge     (e.g., inches per foot, ounces per pound)
               *    largeUnitsSingular (e.g., "foot", "pound")
               *    largeUnitsPlural   (e.g., "feet", "pounds")
               *    smallUnitsSingular (e.g., "inch", "ounce")
               *    smallUnitsPlural   (e.g., "inches", "ounces")
       42     protected abstract void initializeUnits();
               * "Convert" this TwoPartMeasure to small units
               * (e.g., from 5 feet 7 inches to 67 inches)
               * @return   The value in small units
       43     private int toSmall()
       44     {
       45         int         total;
       46         total = sign * ((large * smallsPerLarge) + small);
       47         return total;
       48     }
               * Get a String representation of this Length
               * @return  The String
        49    public String toString()
        50    {
        51        String     s;
        52        s = new String();
        53        if (sign < 0) s += "Negative ";
        54        if (large == 1) s += large + " " + largeUnitsSingular;
        55        else            s += large + " " + largeUnitsPlural;
        56        if (small == 1) s += "  " + small + " " + smallUnitsSingular;
        57        else            s += "  " + small + " " + smallUnitsPlural;
        58        return s;
        59    }
        60 }
           * A length in traditional U.S. units (i.e., feet and inches)
         1 public class Length extends TwoPartMeasure
         2 {
               * Default Constructor
         3    public Length()
         4    {
         5        super(0, 0, true);
         6    }
               * Explicit Value Constructor
               * @param feet   The number of feet (must be positive)
               * @param inches The number of inches (must be positive)
         7    public Length(int feet, int inches)
         8    {
         9        super(feet, inches, true);
        10    }
               * Explicit Value Constructor
               * @param feet     The number of feet (must be positive)
               * @param inches   The number of inches (must be positive)
               * @param positive true for a positive length, false for negative
        11    public Length(int feet, int inches, boolean positive)
        12    {
        13        super(feet, inches, positive);
        14    }
        15 }

    what compile-time error will be generated if:

    1. you remove line 42 in TwoPartMeasure and compile TwoPartMeasure?
    2. you remove the modifier abstract from line 42 in TwoPartMeasure and compile TwoPartMeasure?
    3. you compile the Length class?
  8. Comment on the design of the TwoPartMeasure and Length classes above. What is good about the design and what is bad about it?
  9. Stub-out the DirectoryComparator, DirectoryNameComparator, and DirectorySizeComparator classes described in the following UML diagram (where the + indicates that the method/attribute is public, the # indiciates that the method/attribute is protected, and italics indicates that the method/class is abstract):

    Note: In the diagram above, subclasses (and classes that implement interfaces) do not explicitly list the methods that they must implement or that they inherit. On the other hand, when a subclass contains a method with the same signature as a method in the super class, that method in the subclass overrides the version in the superclass.

  10. An insurance system includes the following three classes:
    public abstract class Policy
        protected double     deductable;    
        protected String     policyHolder;
        // Details Omitted
    public class IndividualPolicy extends Policy
        private int     yearsAsCustomer;
        // Details Omitted
    public class FamilyPolicy extends Policy
        private String[]      others;
        // Details Omitted

    You must add functionality that would allow both IndividualPolicy and FamilyPolicy objects to correctly respond to getCopay() messages. In response to such a message, an IndividualPolicy object must return a double that has the value deductable / 10.0 + 15.0 and a FamilyPolicy object must return a double that has the value (deductable / 10.0 + 15.0) * 1.5 + (others.length * 5.0). Note: Better answers have less code duplication and take advantage of the class hierarchy.

  11. Given the following Numberizer class:
    public class Numberizer
        public double cool(double x, double guess)
    	double         value;
    	if (Math.abs(x/guess-guess) < 0.001)
    	    value = guess;
    	    value = cool(x, (guess+x/guess)/2.0);
    	return value;
        public double radical(double x)
    	return cool(x, 1.0);

    carefully trace the execution of the following:

    public class NumberizerDriver
        public static void main(String[] args)
    	Numberizer        numb;
    	numb = new Numberizer();
    	System.out.println("2: "+numb.radical(2.0));
  12. Given the following MindNumber class:
    public class MindNumber
        public static int numb(int i)
           int    result;       
           if (i < 1)
              result = -1;          
           else if (i < 10)
              result = numb(i-1) + numb(i-2);
           else if (i%2 == 0)
              result = numb(i/2);          
              result = numb(i/2) + numb(i%2);          
           return result;       

    carefully trace the execution of the following:

    public class MindNumberDriver
        public static void main(String[] args)
           int        i;
           i = MindNumber.numb(12);

    You may submit your stack of "activation records". If you do, please submit them in the order in which they were created.

  13. Create an enumerated type (i.e., an enum) for the playing cards used in poker.
  14. An n-term approximation of the value of e is:
    e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... + 1/n!

    Implement the following method that approximates the value of e using the equation above. Your method must be recursive. You should assume that you have a method int factorial(int n) that calculates the factorial of n.

       * Finds an n-term approximation of e
       * @param  n    The number of terms in the summation
       * @return      The approximation of e
      public double e(int n)
  15. Implement the following method that calculates the factorial of n. Your method must be recursive.
       * Finds the factorial of an integer
       * @param  n    The integer of interest
       * @return      The factorial of n
      public int factorial(int n)
  16. Suggest a better name for the following recursive function/method. (Hint: Trace the execution for a couple of examples and deduce what it is doing.)
        public static boolean something(String source, String letter)
    	boolean    hit;
    	String     first;
    	if (source.length() == 0) return true;
    	first = source.substring(0,1);
    	hit   = (first.equals(letter));
    	return hit && something(source.substring(1), letter);
  17. Develop a test (i.e., a collection of test cases) that would be appropriate for finding the faults/defects in the Numberizer class above.
  18. Is the test you developed above an example of unit testing or integration testing? Explain.

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