The Element Class


Purpose: An immutable encapsulation of an element

This class must, at a minimum, contain the following private attributes:

    calculatedAverageMass - A double value containing the calculated average mass
    atomicNumber - An int containing the atomic number
    symbol - A String containing the symbol

The Explicit Value Constructor:
This class must implement the following explicit value constructor:
     * Explicit Value Constructor
     * Note: The length of the mass array and the abundance
     * array must be the same (because they must be conformal 
     * arrays). The constructor does not test to ensure that this
     * is the case.
     * @param  symbol         The chemical symbol of this Element
     * @param  atomicNumber   The atomic number of this Element
     * @param  mass           The mass for all of the isotopes
     * @param  abundance      The abundance in [0,100] for all of the isotopes
    public Element(String   symbol, 
                   int      atomicNumber,
                   int[]    mass,
                   double[] abundance) 
The getCalculatedAverageMass() Method:
This class must implement the following method:
     * Get the calculated average mass of this Element
     * The average mass is normally measured using a mass spectrometer.
     * So, the value returned by this method is not the value that
     * one normally finds on the periodic table of the elements.
     * @return  The calculated (as opposed to measured) average mass
    public double getCalculatedAverageMass()
The toString() Method:
This class must implement the following method:
     * Get a String representation of this Element
     * @return  The String representation
    public String toString()

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