Software Requirements Specification: Weather

The Weather class contains a function for calculating the wind chill value in North America (NA). In the future, it may contain other functions as well.
Existing Components

The Math class in Java contains a function named Math.pow(double, double) java.lang.Math#pow(double, double) that can be use to raise a number to a power. (The first parameter is raised to the power of the second parameter.)
Requirements of New Components

The system must satisfy the following operational requirements: Definition

OR-1 The class must have a public static function named windChillNA().

OR-2 The windChillNA() function must return a double value.

OR-3 The windChillNA() function must have two formal parameters, a double that will contain the air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit followed by a double value that will contain the wind speed (in miles per hour).

OR-4 The windChillNA() function must return the wind chill value for North America in situations in which the air temperature and the wind speed have appropriate values

OR-5 The windChillNA() function must return the air temperature it is passed in situations in which either the air temperature or the wind speed does not have an appropriate value.

OR-6 The class must NOT have a main() function.

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