CS 350 - Index to Information about the Course
© 2000 Charles Abzug
Announcements and Record of Updates:
- COURSE GRADES (pseudonymously identified): MicroSoft "Excel" file. To understand how the grades were assigned, please note the following:
- Out of the total of 8 quizzes, one (Quiz 7) was counted only for extra credit.
- Of the remaining seven quizzes, the lowest two grades were dropped.
- Column H indicates the total grade from the remaining quizzes, the maximum attainable score being 50 (10 per quiz).
- There were four required homeworks (the Linux homework having been shifted from mandatory to extra credit), maximum attainable score being 40 (10 per homework), columns I, J, K, L..
- Total Raw Points (column P) are computed as follows:
0.2*H + 0.25*(I + J + K + L) + 0.2*M + 0.25*N + 1.5*O
- 0.2*H has a maximum value of 10.
- 0.25*(I + J + K + L) also has a maximum value of 10. Thus, total points for collected homeworks and in-class quizzes is 20.
- 0.2*M, the weighting for the Mid-Term, has a maximum value of 20.
- 0.25*N, the weighting for the Final Exam, has a maximum value of 25.
- 1.5*O, the weighting for the Term Project, has a maximum value of 15.
- The data were sorted in descending order of "Raw Score", Column P, and cutoff points were selected for letter grades. The cutoff for an 'A' was set at 76, and for a 'B' at 67.
- Extra credit was applied (columns Q and R), producing a grand total score for each student. The result of applying extra credit was a dramatic increase in the total number of 'A's and 'B's.
- I was especially pleased with everyone's performance on the Term Project. Somehow, despite the massive work load that I imposed upon you, and despite the hectic nature of a summer semester plus unbearable heat, y'all managed to learn an awful lot. The term projects were so good that I gave everyone full credit for the term project. You should all be very proud of what you accomplished in only six weeks. I very much enjoyed having such a lovely bunch of students. Have a nice summer, and everyone please drop by from time to time during the school year and say hello.
- 11 Jun 2000, 0510 hrs: In Computer Organization and Architecture assignment for Week 5, groups 1, 3, and 5 will please do programs 1 and 2; groups 2 and 4 will please do programs 1 and 3.
- 07 Jun 2000, 2025 hrs: Posted group list for week 5 groups. Reminder: Presentations for Term Project are to be given in class on Wednesday, 14 June 2000. Review session is scheduled for Thursday, 15 June 2000, and Final Exam is scheduled for regular class time on Friday, 16 June 2000. The Final Exam WILL be cumulative, and it would be most reasonable to expect a heavy dose of repeat questions emphasizing points that the Mid-Term showed were not so well understood (Items 6 through 12), as well as material covered in readings or class since the Mid-Term (e.g., functions of the Power Supply, saturation arithmetic, addressing modes, Linux, etc.). Study hard, take advantage of my availability next week after class, and bring your questions on readings and class material to the Review Session on Thursday.
- 31 May 2000, 2040 hrs: Posted group list for week 4 groups.
- 22 May 2000, 2325 hrs: Posted group list for week 3 groups. Reminder: Review session is scheduled for Monday, 29 May 2000, and Mid-Term is scheduled for Tuesday, 30 May 2000, both during class time.
- 17 May 2000, 1230 hrs: Posted nine sets of review questions in Microsoft Word files, and group lists for weeks 1 and 2 (week 1 groups had previously been announced).
- 08 May 2000, 2316 hrs: Posted detailed readings and homework assignments for the entire semester, plus review questions on sundry topics. Access other files from Course Map below.
- 08 May 2000, 1249 hrs: Posted an initial version of course syllabus and course map.
Course-Related Documents:
Course Syllabus
- Course Map
- Week 1 Groups
- Week 2 Groups
- Week 3 Groups
- Week 4 Groups
- Week 5 Groups
- Week 6 Groups
- Review Questions: Binary Integer Arithmetic (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Computer Basics (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Computer Power Supplies (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Digital Computer Internals (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Digital Number Representation (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Linux Issues (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Machine Code and Assembly Language (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: Principles of Design and Construction of Digital Computers (Microsoft "Word" file)
- Review Questions: WIntel Computer Hardware (Microsoft "Word" file)
Instructor Information:
Dr. Abzug's Home Page on the World Wide Web; Dr. Abzug's E-mail: AbzugCX@jmu.edu