Individual | Group |
Individual Project
(100 points)(see Portfolio for general guidelines)
Your individual project will also suffice as your portfolio submission for CS620.
Please develop a document relating to your organization’s needs that will:
- identify and describe information security regulations/legislation that directly affects the on-going operation of your organization or unit
- include in your description a general background of your position and organization
- use appropriate visual/charts/examples to clarify your description
- include copy of original/old document if your submission is an updated version
- include in your portfolio a basic plan for organization-wide computer security
- portfolio should not exceed 20 pages in length
- If your need clearance to release these materials for general viewing, please attach your release/permission slip.
- Dr. Forcht will be reading this project as the individual project, but please remember that it will become your portfolio entry and, thus, read by several other faculty members.
CS620 - Introduction to Information Security
The portfolio submission for 620 is stated as follows:
Report research locating and evaluating those policies and regulations specific to an installation and testing compliance with those policies.
Identify and describe the contents of
information security regulations and guides
that regulate government and private
information systems, and chart the
relationships among information security
componentsUse basic information security concepts to(see course outline)
produce an overview report on system
security status and review organizational
documentation on a systemSource: Master’s Degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Information Security. Evaluation Criteria and Procedures: Candidate Instruction Set. May, 1997.
Group Project
Written portion - 100 pointsPresentation - 100 points
This project will be presented the last day of the class - Saturday, September 25, l999 at the on-site location
Please submit either by e-mail (prior to last day) or in hard copy (on last day) to Dr. Forcht.
Written report:
Length of written report - 15-20 pages (double-spaced).Please include names of all group members and fully document your sources (see documentation guidelines) at the end of the report and note the citation in the body of the written text.
Oral report:
- Approximately 15-20 minutes in length
- All group members are required to participate in oral report unless excused by Dr. Forcht
- Please prepare an audience rating sheet for feedback. (We have 20 in class so run 25 copies for distribution). (See samples at end of this document).
- Please use some type of hand-out, visual, transparency, computer display so that the flow of your presentation is smooth.
- Check out some sites on the Internet to include in your report.
Choose one of the following topics for your oral/written report. Once you have chosen your topic, please e-mail Dr. Forcht with title of your topic and group members names. You may work alone if you want.Possible Topics
- Computer Viruses/Malicious Code
- Privacy/Confidentiality of Information
- Information Classification
- Operating Systems Security
- Computer Security Software
- Contingency Planning
- Risk Analysis
- Computer Security in International Environments
- Computer Security Awareness and Training
- Cryptology/Encryption
- Access Control Techniques
- TCSEC (Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria)
- Database Security
- Telecommunication Security
- Network Security
- Distributed Systems Security
- Physical Security of Computer Facilities
- Intrusion Detection
- Audit Logs
- Laptop/portable computer security
- Computer Ethics
- Computer Security Organizations and Certification groups
- Incident Response/Computer Abuse Teams
- Configuration Management and Computer Security
- Asset Valuation/Insurance
Sample 1:
Group Presentation EvaluationTopic: _______________________________________
Rate the following:
- Organization of Presentation
- Speaker(s) ability to explain the topic
- Visual aids used (if any)
- How well were questions handled
- Speakers understanding of topic
- Overall evaluation of presentation
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. General comments
Sample 2:
Group Presentation EvaluationCourse Name and Number _______________________________
Date _____________________
Student(s) Name(s) ____________________________________________________________________
- Ability to capture listener’s interest _____
- Quality of delivery _____
- Enthusiasm _____
- Poise _____
- Voice quality _____
- Proper use of grammar _____
- Effective use of eye contact, facial expressions, etc. _____
- Effective use of notes/materials _____
- Effective use of body movement _____
- Ease in following presentation _____
- Use of audio-visual aids _____
- Content coverage _____
- Organization of presentation _____
Comments: _____