HEBR/REL-131 & -132:
Elementary Biblical Hebrew I & II
  Index to Information
about the Course

Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 Semesters, the one and only Section

© 2009 Charles Abzug


Announcements and Record of Updates:

·                     04 Nov 2009, 1630 hrs:  Assignments are now posted until the end of the semester.

·                     04 Nov 2009, 1037 hrs:  Course Map has been updated.

·                     06 Oct 2009, 1730 hrs:  The Assignments document has been updated again.

·                     25 Sep 2009, 0800 hrs:  The Assignments document has been updated again.   Please note the following:  

(1)  I mistakenly omitted from last week’s version of the Assignments document a critical part of Assignment 4.  Please accept my apologies for the omission.  I have now rectified it; the missing piece has now been added to Assignment 4, that was due this week.  Obviously, I cannot expect you to have handed in last night what I wanted you to do, only what I asked you to do.  However, as the current Assignments document contains the missing piece of Assignment 4, plus Assignment 5 that is due next week, I will therefore ask you please to include in next week’s Assignment 5 the part that I had mistakenly omitted from Assignment 4.  To make it easier for you to find the added piece of Assignment 4, I have underlined it and put it in bold.          

(2)  The assignment for next week contains some vocabulary that you have not yet received.  I have printed out, and placed in the envelope on my office door, eleven copies of the new vocabulary document.  Please pick up your copy at your convenience.      

·                     17 Sep 2009, 1650 hrs:  An updated version of the Assignments document has now been posted.

·                     11 Sep 2009, 1315 hrs:  The Assignments document has been updated again, and, as promised in class, a revised and updated tutorial on pronunciation is now posted in place of the version that had been there earlier.

·                     03 Sep 2009, 1745 hrs:  The Assignments document has been updated.

·                     24 Aug 2009, 2320 hrs:  New course documentation is now posted.

Documents Pertaining to the Course:

Course Syllabus  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Course Map  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Assignments  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Textbooks and Required Materials  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Slides shown in class    not yet posted  (Adobe Acrobat  “.pdf”  file)


Verb Conjugation Practice Chart  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)



Tutorials written by Dr. Abzug:

Learning to Read Hebrew:  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Instructions for Writing the Cursive Aleph-Bet:  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Tutorial and Exercises in the Pronunciation of Hebrew Consonants and Vowels, and in the Reading of Hebrew Text.  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)


Other Useful Documents and URLs:

University of Texas:  Various Tutorials on the Reading and Writing of Hebrew

University of Texas Readings from Selected Biblical Texts  (Index to individual texts))

URLs pertaining to the Aleph-Bet:

Nice illustrations of all the letters in a typical printer’s font for regular Hebrew, as well as for Hebrew script.  Also illustrates notation of vowels:  http://www.jewfaq.org/alephbet.htm

Instructions for writing the cursive Aleph-Bet:     http://www.foundationstone.com.au/HtmlSupport/OnlineHebrewTutorial/Html/22_AppendixB.html

Drawings of the letters, with a printable-cuttable-&-pastable flashcard for each letter:  http://www.akhlah.com/Aleph_Bet/aleph-bet.asp

Precise delineation of the requirements in Jewish law as to how the individual letters of the TaNaKh must be written by the scribe:  http://www.safrus.com/alephbet.html; 
NOTE that you can click on each Hebrew letter to obtain a magnified view of it.

A snazzy-looking Hebrew font from the Society for Biblical Literature:  http://www.sbl-site.org/Resources/default.aspx


Components of the TaNaKh   (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Scanned handwritten text of M’gillat Esther  (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

T’hillim-145   (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Abbott & Costello Learn Hebrew

Internet Resources for Hebrew   (Adobe Acrobat  .pdf”  file)

Biographical essay on Eliezer Ben-Yehudah, who was responsible in the main for the revival of the Hebrew language as a vernacular:  http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/biography/ben_yehuda.html

Other Documents of Interest:

Interesting URLs


Description of a nearly ideal implementation of the mitz-VAH of tze-dah-KAH.

Cantillation of sample portions of Sefer SheMOT (SheMOT; Va’ey-RA; Yit-ROH)

Advertisement of handwritten parchment scrolls of Megillat Esther for sale:  http://www.israelnnmall.com/megilatesther.html 

Instructor Information:

Dr. Abzug's Home Page on the World Wide Web; Dr. Abzug's E-mail: mailto:AbzugCX@jmu.edu